Mac Dev Env for Python#

Mac tool recommendations and setup guide for Python development.

Table of Contents


The Python Class Setup tool will guide you step-by-step through the setup process.

[[ -d ~/.setup ]] || git clone ~/.setup
cd ~/.setup



Step 1: XCode#

XCode is the Apple IDE (integrated development environment), a tool for writing code. It also contains the foundational tools and libraries that other programs rely on, and that programmers use when writing code.


This step will take awhile, so it’s a good idea to do this before bed or something.

Run the following command at the command line. Some GUI windows will pop up, prompting you to log into your apple account and accept the terms of service. After you follow the prompts, the download and installation will begin.

Listing 625 command line#
xcode-select --install

When it finishes run the following to accept the license.

sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

If installing from the command line does not work for some reason, you can install XCode via the Apple App Store.

Step 2: Find/create your startup file#


You can run the make-shellrc tool to find and generate a startup file for you.

Copy the following and paste it into a terminal:

[[ -d ~/.setup ]] || git clone ~/.setup
cd ~/.setup

Every time a terminal session starts, your shell reads from various files. One of those files is in your home directory and is where you will put configuration for things we’ll install in some of the following steps.

First you need to find out what your shell is by typing:

echo $SHELL

You will most likely see either /bin/zsh or /bin/bash.

Next we need to create your startup file if it does not already exist.

  • If your shell is /bin/zsh, your startup file is ~/.zshrc.

  • If your shell is /bin/bash, your startup file is ~/.bash_profile.

[[ "${SHELL}" =~ zsh$ ]] && initfile=$HOME/.zshrc
[[ "${SHELL}" =~ bash$ ]] && initfile=$HOME/.bash_profile

touch "${initfile}"

In later steps when you see initfile, be sure to replace with the path to your file.

Step 3: Homebrew#

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. It simplifies the installing, upgrading and uninstalling of software, especially tools used by developers.

We’ll use this to install software in future steps.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If you have an M1 chip, you will also need to add the following to your startup file.

export PATH

See the homebrew guide.

Step 4: asdf#

asdf is a command line tool that lets you easily install and switch between multiple versions of Python or other languages.

Listing 626 command line#
# install asdf
brew install asdf

Then you’ll need to add the following line to your startup file:

source "$(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/"

See the asdf guide.

Step 5: Python#

This is for installing Python 3.8, but feel free to replace 3.8.11 with any version in asdf list all python.

# install prerequisites
brew install zlib openssl readline xz bzip2 asdf

# install python
asdf install python 3.8.11
asdf global python 3.8.11

Step 6: Poetry#

Poetry is a tool that helps you make keep track of and install the dependencies needed for each project.

This step is optional.

To install poetry run the following:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Then add to your startup file:

export PATH

See the full Poetry Guide.

Step 7: VS Code#

Install Visual Studio Code via homebrew:

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

Or you can download the package from the Visual Studio Code website.

See the VS Code Intro.

Step 8: VS Code extensions#

You can install the recommended extensions via the PythonClass extension.

code --install-extension alissahuskey.vscode-python-class


This section is for various issues installing Python on macs.

Table of Contents

Issue A: arm64-apple not recognized#

The install fails before building with the error

  Invalid configuration arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0: machine arm64-apple not recognized
BUILD FAILED (OS X 12.2.1 using python-build 2.2.4-1-6-g44db3b03)

Inspect or clean up the working tree at /var/folders/jg/spf3ymn14710q5h5bl7p3wlw0000gn/T/python-build.20220304160204.18295
Results logged to /var/folders/jg/spf3ymn14710q5h5bl7p3wlw0000gn/T/python-build.20220304160204.18295.log

Last 10 log lines:
/var/folders/jg/spf3ymn14710q5h5bl7p3wlw0000gn/T/python-build.20220304160204.18295 ~
/var/folders/jg/spf3ymn14710q5h5bl7p3wlw0000gn/T/python-build.20220304160204.18295/Python-3.8.11 /var/folders/jg/spf3ymn14710q5h5bl7p3wlw0000gn/T/python-build.20220304160204.18295 ~
checking build system type... Invalid configuration `arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0': machine `arm64-apple' not recognized
configure: error: /bin/sh ./config.sub arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0 failed
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

This happens on macs with the M1 chip when the GNU version of uname (from the coreutils homebrew package) is installed.

There is a patch for this that can be applied on install.

Apply the patch by setting the ASDF_PYTHON_PATCH_URL environment variable.

Listing 627 Command line#
asdf install python 3.8.11

Apply the patch using the –patch flag.

Listing 628 Command line#
pyenv install --patch 3.8.11 < \
  <(curl -sSL

Issue B: Unexpected output of ‘arch’ on OSX#

The install fails before building with the error

    Unexpected output of 'arch' on OSX

This happens on macs with the M1 chip if it is not supported for that particular version.

There may be a patch available here depending on your version.

Apply the patch by setting the ASDF_PYTHON_PATCH_URL environment variable.

Listing 629 Command line#
asdf install python 3.8.11

Apply the patch using the –patch flag.

Listing 630 Command line#
pyenv install --patch 3.8.11 < \
  <(curl -sSL PATCH_URL)

See also

Issue C: sendfile, zipimport, bzip, _lzma errors#

The install fails when building with one of the following errors:

  implicit declaration of function 'sendfile' is invalid in C99
  zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available
  The Python bz2 extension was not compiled. Missing the bzip2 lib?
  No module named ‘_lzma’

These errors happen either because some dependencies are not installed, the dependency that is installed is broken in some way, or the python build cannot find them.

First, install or reinstall all dependencies.

for pkg in zlib openssl readline xz bzip2; do 
    brew uninstall $pkg 2> /dev/null
    brew install $pkg

Then use this script to generate a .flags file. This contains shell commands to set the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables so that they contain the paths to the locations of all dependencies on your system.

curl -sSl | bash

Apply the environment variables to your current terminal session by sourcing the file, then install Python the way you normally would. After you’re done, you can remove the .flags file if you want.

source .flags
asdf install python VERSION && rm .flags


The install fails before building with an error that looks like the following with no other useful error messages.

  BUILD FAILED (OS X XX.X using python-build XXXXXXXX)

This happens on macOS 11+ because the configure script searches for a release version (from uname -r) of 1*.* and as of macOS 11 the release version is 2*.*.

There is a patch for this that can be applied on install.

Apply the patch by setting the ASDF_PYTHON_PATCH_URL environment variable.

Listing 631 Command line#
asdf install python 3.8.11

Apply the patch using the –patch flag.

Listing 632 Command line#
pyenv install --patch 3.8.11 < \
  <(curl -sSL