Flashcards Project#

This is the project to apply what we’ve learned in the Files lessons.

The project is to write a program for running through flashcards. Card data is stored in csv files in the data/flashcards directory.


Table of Contents

Part 1: Make a csv file#

The flashcards data will be stored in csv files in a directory named data/flashcards. The idea is to eventually have multiple files for different topics that you might want to study like paths.csv, functions.csv and so on. For now though, just make one file.

  1. [ ] Create a folder data/flashcards if it doesn’t already exist

  2. [ ] Make a csv file with flashcard data

    • [ ] In the data/flashcards directory manually make file ending in .csv. For example paths.csv.

    • [ ] Each line should be one card with the format: text for front, text for back.
      For example:

      front, back
      import the Path class, from pathlib import Path
      check if Path object path exists, path.exists()
      check if Path object path is a file, path.is_file()
      check if Path object path is a directory, path.is_dir()

Part 2: Start flashcards.py#

Start your flashcards.py file.

  1. [ ] write a main() function

  2. [ ] print any temporary debug message in it

  3. [ ] call it

Part 3: Start load_csv()#

The load_csv() function should take one argument, a Path object to a csv file. Eventually it will return a list where each item is a dict with "front" and "back" keys, one for each row in the file except the header.

For now though, make a simple function that just takes a Path object, prints the location, and makes sure the file exists.


  1. [ ] write a load_csv() function that takes one argument: path

  2. [ ] check to make sure the csv file exists. If not, print an error message that includes the path then return

  3. [ ] print a temporary debug message: loading file: path

in main()

  1. [ ] make a Path object to your csv file

  2. [ ] call your load_csv() function, passing it your Path object as the argument, and assign the returned value to a variable named cards

Part 4: Read each line of the csv file#

Expand the load_csv() function to read and print every line in the file.

in load_csv()

  1. [ ] open the csv file in read mode using the open() function

  2. [ ] use fh.readlines() to iterate through each line in the file

  3. [ ] for temporary debugging, print each line

Part 5: Get the card data from the csv file#

Continue expanding the load_csv() function to extract the card data from each line, put it into a dictionary named cards with the keys "front" and "back".

in load_csv(), in the readlines() loop

  1. [ ] make an empty dict assigned to a variable named card

  2. [ ] split each line on the "," using the .split() method and assign the result to a variable named row

  3. [ ] check that there are two items in the row using the len() function. If not print an error message and return

  4. [ ] assign card["front"] to the first item in the row, and card["back"] to the second

  5. [ ] for temporary debugging, print the card dict

Part 6: Return the card data to main()#

Have load_csv() put all of the card dictionaries into one big cards list and return that to main().

in load_csv(), before the readlines() loop

  1. [ ] make an empty list assigned to a variable named cards

in load_csv(), at the end of the readlines() loop

  1. [ ] use the .append() method on the cards list with the argument card

in load_csv(), after the loop

  1. [ ] return cards

in main()

  1. [ ] if the cards list is falsy, return

  2. [ ] otherwise, print the cards list for temporary debugging

Part 7: Remove extra whitespace#

In order to make sure that the flashcards are printed nicely and that the users answers get matched up correctly, the trailing "\n" needs to be removed from the end of each line. Any extra spaces that happen to be around the "," or at the beginning or end of the line also need to be removed.

in load_csv(), in the loop

  1. [ ] remove leading and trailing whitespace by calling the .strip() method on card["front"] and card["back"]

part 8: Skip the header row and blank lines#

To avoid having a flashcard pop up that reads "front", don’t append the header row to the cards list. Also skip any blank lines in the file.

in load_csv(), in the readlines() loop, before append

  1. [ ] check if card["front"] is "front" and card["back"] is "back". If so, continue to avoid appending to the cards list

  2. [ ] check if line is equal to "\n". If so, continue.

Part 9: Start the play() function#

This function should take one argument, the list of cards. Eventually it will contain the user interface for running through each card, getting the answers from the user, and printing the score.

For now ‘ll just write a play() function and call it.


  1. [ ] write a play() function that takes one argument: cards

  2. [ ] for temporary debugging, print something from it


  1. [ ] call play() passing it the list of cards

Part 10: Go through each card in random order#

In this next part we’ll be metaphorically drawing a card at random from the deck until there are none left.

The trick is to make a while loop that checks the truthy value of cards, so that it stops as soon as its empty. The inside the loop, use the random.choice() method to pick a card at random, then remove it from the list.

at the top of your file

  1. [ ] import the random module

in play()

  1. [ ] make a while loop where the condition is: cards

in play(), in the loop

  1. [ ] use random.choice() to get a random item from the cards list and assign it to a variable named card

  2. [ ] call the .remove() method on cards with the argument card to remove the card from the list

  3. [ ] for temporary debugging, print card

Part 11: Test the user#

This is where things start to get exciting! In this part we’ll print the front of the card, ask the user for their answer, and let them know if it was right or not.

in play(), in the loop

  1. [ ] print card["front"]

  2. [ ] prompt the user for their answer using the input() function and assign the result to a variable named answer

  3. [ ] check if the answer is the same as card["back"]

    • [ ] if so, print "CORRECT"

    • [ ] if not, print "INCORRECT", then cards["back"]

  4. [ ] call input() asking if the user wants to continue

    • [ ] if not, return

in play(), after the loop

Part 12: Scorekeeping#

Now lets keep track of which card the user is on, and what their score is.

in play(), above the loop

  1. [ ] make a score variable set to 0

  2. [ ] assign the length of cards to a variable total

  3. [ ] make a num variable set to 1

in play(), in the loop

  1. [ ] at the top of the loop print card num of total

  2. [ ] when you check if the answer is the same as card["back"]

    • [ ] if so, increment score by one

  3. [ ] at the end of the loop, increment num by 1

in play(), after the loop

  1. [ ] print "score of total"

Part 13: Prettify flashcards#

This part is about making the flashcards look nicer. Feel free to adjust these suggestions to your taste.

throughout your file

  1. [ ] get rid of any debug print() statements

at the top of your file

  1. [ ] make a global variable WIDTH and set it to around 75

in play()

  1. [ ] print a line to the beginning and end of each card

  2. [ ] add some extra newlines around various elements

  3. [ ] center any string by calling the .center() method on it and pass the argument WIDTH. For example, the card["front"] line.

  4. [ ] right align any string by calling the .rjust() method on it and passing the argument WIDTH. For example, the card x of y line.

  5. [ ] print "score of total" after the end of each card

Part 14: Wrap long questions#

In this part wrap questions that are too long so that they are split into multiple lines.

at the top of your file

  1. [ ] If you want your questions to be wrap at a shorter length than WIDTH, set a MAXWIDTH global variable.

  2. [ ] import the textwrap module

in play(), in the loop

  1. [ ] Call textwrap.wrap() with the arguments card["front"] and the width you want to wrap at, either MAXWIDTH or WIDTH. This will return a list of strings, where each item is a line. Assign the results to a variable lines.

  2. [ ] Remove the code that prints card["front"]

  3. [ ] Iterate over the lines list, and print each item.

Part 15: Add topics menu#

This section will add a menu to print the name (minus the .csv extension) of each of the csv files in your flashcards directory and allow the user to choose one or more files to load.

at the top of your file

  1. [ ] Make a list assigned to the global variable TOPICS


  1. [ ] write a menu() function

  2. [ ] assign TOPICS to a list of Path objects in your flashcards directory using the .iterdir() method

  3. [ ] print an error message if no files are found in your flashcards directory

  4. [ ] print the filename minus the .csv extension for each Path object in the TOPICS list, next to a number

  5. [ ] print a special option "all" with a menu selection of 0

  6. [ ] make a list assigned to the variable selection

  7. [ ] get input from the user asking them to choose one or more topics and assign it to a variable choices

  8. [ ] use the .split() method to split choices into multiple items on whitespace

  9. [ ] iterate over each response and assign to num:

    • [ ] if the response is "0", return TOPICS

    • [ ] convert num to an int and subtract 1

    • [ ] get the item from TOPICS at the num index and append it to selection list

  10. [ ] return the selection list

in main()

  1. [ ] at the beginning of the function, make an empty cards list

  2. [ ] call menu() and assign the returned value to the variable paths

  3. [ ] remove the line where you previously defined the path to your .csv file

  4. [ ] iterate over paths and assign each element to the variable path:

    • [ ] call load_csv() with the path argument

    • [ ] append the returned value to cards using the .extend() method

Part 16: Allow answers with commas#

Many answers have commas in them, so instead of manually parsing the csv file, lets use the built in csv module.

We’ll create and iterate over a csv.reader object, which will provide each line split into a list of fields that we can use as the row. Then either remove all of the places where we use line, or replace them with an equivalent for row.

at the top of your file

  1. [ ] import the csv module

in load_csv() after opening your file

  1. [ ] Create a new csv reader like so:

    reader = csv.reader(
  2. [ ] Instead of iterating over fh.readlines(), iterate over the reader object. Change the variable name in the for loop to row.

in load_csv(), in the for loop

  1. [ ] Remove the row = line.split() line. (Since row is now a list provided by the reader object.)

  2. [ ] Check if row is an empty list. If so, continue.

Part 17: limit CLI argument#

In this section we’ll change the program to accept an optional command line argument to limit the number of cards to show.

So, if at the command line you type:

$ python flashcards.py 10

Then at most 10 flashcards will be shown.

Or if you type:

$ python flashcards.py

Then then you’ll go through all of the flashcards for the selected topic(s).

In the main() function, before calling play():

  1. [ ] Check if sys.argv has more than 1 item. If so:

    • [ ] assign the second value in the sys.argv list, converted to an int to the variable limit

    • [ ] get a slice of the cards list with a size equal to limit and assign it back to the variable cards

Bonus ideas#

  • keep a log with dates and scores

  • print any cards that the user got wrong again at the end after showing the score

Card data#

Download the following flashcard files or feel free to make your own.



You can view my completed scripts here: