Pytest Tests#

Pytest is a testing framework for Python. In this document we’ll discuss how to write tests for Pytest as well as some of the extra features that Pytest provides.

For installation and other usage information, see the Pytest tool guide.

Part 1: Writing tests#

In this section we’ll discuss how to write tests for Pytest.

Part 1.1: Hello World#

Pytest expects tests to be located in files whose names begin with test_ or end with

Individual tests are written in functions that begins with test_ and contain one or more assert statements which determine if it passes or fails.

Here’s a simple example test that will always pass.

Listing 519
1def test_truth():
2    assert True


Do not duplicate test names. If you do, only the first test will be run and any duplicates will be ignored by Pytest.

To run the test use the command line to type pytest followed by the filename.

Listing 520 command line#
$ pytest

The result will look something like this.

Listing 521 command line output#
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 1 item .                                    [100%]

====================== 1 passed in 0.00s =======================

Congratulations, you’ve run your first Pytest test!

Part 1.2: Test failures#

Let’s look at an example of a failing tests. In the following test_lies() function the assert statement fails, which will in turn cause that test to fail.

Listing 522
1def test_truth():
2    assert True
4def test_lies():
5    assert False

Here is what your test output looks like now.

Listing 523 command line output#
$ pytest
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 2 items .F                                   [100%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
__________________________ test_lies ___________________________

    def test_lies():
>       assert False
E       assert False AssertionError
=================== short test summary info ====================
FAILED - assert False
================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.05s ==================

Part 1.3: Reading test output#

Let’s take a closer look at that test output.

Listing 524 command line output#
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 2 items .F                                   [100%]

This line indicates the progress of each test file and each test in the file is represented by a single character following the filename.

Test No




. (green)

passing test


F (red)

failing test


all tests were run

Listing 525 command line output#
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 2 items .F                                   [100%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
__________________________ test_lies ___________________________

    def test_lies():
>       assert False
E       assert False

This section of the output shows you detailed information about each failing test.



_____ test_lies _____

start of info about test_lies() failure

>       assert False

the line where the failure happened, indicated by >

E       assert False

more information about the error, indicated by a red E

If this was an error in your code instead of a failing assert there might be multiple lines beginning with E and a lot more information. In this case though there’s no additional information so it looks the same as the line above.

Listing 526 command line output#
$ pytest
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 2 items .F                                   [100%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
__________________________ test_lies ___________________________

    def test_lies():
>       assert False
E       assert False AssertionError

This line is probably the most useful of all. It tells you the three most important pieces of information:



the file where the error occurred


the line number that it happened on


the exception class that was raised

Listing 527 command line output#
$ pytest
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 2 items .F                                   [100%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
__________________________ test_lies ___________________________

    def test_lies():
>       assert False
E       assert False AssertionError
=================== short test summary info ====================
FAILED - assert False
================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.05s ==================

Finally, this line shows a summary of all the failures.



the file where the error occurred


the test that failed

assert False

the code that failed

1 failed

total failing tests

1 passed

total passing tests

Part 1.4: Testing functions#

Let’s take a look at what a test for a piece of code might look like.

Below we add to the file a increment() function which returns number incremented by one.

The test_increment() test calls the increment() function with an argument of 5 and assigns the result to the variable answer. Then it asserts that the answer should be 6.

Listing 528
1def increment(number):
2    return number + 1
4def test_truth():
5    assert True
7def test_increment():
8    answer = increment(5)
9    assert answer == 6

Part 1.5: Importing functions#

We typically do not keep our functions in the same file as our tests. This means in order to test our functions, we’ll need to import them into the test file.

Let’s say we have a file called

Listing 529
1def can_drink(age):
2    return age >= 21

We would typically name our test file Then we’d import the can_drink function from the my_project module before defining the test for it.

Listing 530
1from my_project import can_drink
3def test_can_drink():
4    is_allowed = can_drink(5)
5    assert not is_allowed

Part 1.6: More imports#

In larger projects it is common to break things into multiple files and directories. A common directory structure looks like this:

├── my_project
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tests

In a setup like this your code would be in the my_project directory and your tests in the tests directory.

If we imagine that we renamed the file to my_project/, then we would need to modify the import statement in our test file.

Listing 531
1from my_project.main import can_drink
3def test_can_drink():
4    is_allowed = can_drink(5)
5    assert not is_allowed

To run the tests you would then run the command

Listing 532 command line#
$ pytest tests/

Or to run all tests in the tests directory simply:

Listing 533 command line#
$ pytest tests


You must run pytest from the root directory of your project for the imports to work properly.

Part 2: Skipping tests#

In this section we’ll discuss how to skip tests.

Part 2.1: Skipping a test#

Sometimes we have a test that is not currently working for some reason–maybe it’s a work in progress or represents something you want to implement at a later date. Here’s an example in our old file.

First you need to import the pytest module in your test. Then above the test function add the line @pytest.mark.skip(reason="EXPLANATION") with a brief explanation of why it is being skipped.

Listing 534
import pytest

def test_truth():
    assert True

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="an example of a test failure")
def test_lies():
    assert False

def test_increment():
    answer = increment(5)
    assert answer == 6

When you run the tests, your output will show a yellow s for skipped tests.

$ pytest
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 3 items .s.                                  [100%]

================= 2 passed, 1 skipped in 0.00s =================

Part 2.2: Skipping a failure#

Another way to do the same thing is to mark it as an expected failure. It is the same as above, except use xfail instead of skip.

Listing 535
import pytest

def test_truth():
    assert True

@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="an example of a test failure")
def test_lies():
    assert False

def test_increment():
    answer = increment(5)
    assert answer == 6

In the output, the skipped test will be marked with a yellow x.

$ pytest
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 3 items .x.                                  [100%]

================= 2 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.03s =================

Part 2.3: Skipping sometimes#

Sometimes you may want to skip certain tests that only work in certain environments. For example, based on a developers operating system or the version of Python they are running.

In these cases the skipif decorator is useful. The first argument is the condition under which to skip the test, then use the reason keyword argument as usual.

import sys

import pytest

@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != "darwin", reason="mac-specific testing")
def test_macos():

Part 3: Exception Handling#

Sometimes our program may raise exceptions on purpose, in which case we need to be able to test those exceptions without causing the tests to fail.

Part 3.1: pytest.raises#

To test for a raised exception use pytest.raises as a context manager with the code that is being tested inside of the context manager.

For example, the following code effectively asserts that when you call the do_quit() function a SystemExit exception is raised. (Which is how most Python programs exit, under the hood.)

import pytest

from my_game import do_quit

def test_do_quit():
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
      # code to test

Part 3.1: Exception messages#

Sometimes just checking the exception class isn’t enough – we have to test for a specific exception message. For example, our program may raise a ValueError in a function. However ValueError exceptions are very common.

In that case you can use the optional as part of the pytest.raises context manager to get the exception info, then run the code you wish to test as before. Then after the with statement, you can add an assert statement on info.value.

import pytest

from my_game import inventory_remove

def test_inventory_remove_with_invalid_argument():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as info:
        # code to test

    # check the exception message
    message = str(info.value)
    assert "inventory_remove() expected an item key (str)." in message

Part 3.3: Message patterns#

Another way to test the error message is to use the match keyword argument in pytest.raises().

import pytest

from my_game import Player

def test_buy():
    player = Player(gems=10)
    sword = Sword(price=90)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="you are 80 gems short") as info:
        # code to test

The match argument can be a regular expression, so you could also do.

import pytest

from my_game import Player

def test_buy():
    player = Player(gems=10)
    sword = Sword(price=90)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"you are \d+ gems short") as info:
        # code to test

Part 4: Testing printed output#

Sometimes we need to test not what is returned, but what is printed to the screen. To do this we can use the special fixture (more on those later) capsys.

Part 4.1: Testing stdout#

When you call the print() function the string that you pass is sent to a special file called stdout that your terminal knows to display to the end user.

When we are testing something that prints to the screen, add capsys to the function definition to let Pytest know that it should capture the system output and save it for us.

def test_write(capsys):
  write("hello", lines_after=3)
  output = capsys.readouterr().out

  assert output.endswith("\n\n\n")

Note that every time you call readouterr() it sets the out attribute to all of the content that has been sent to stdout since the function started or the last time readouterr() was called.

 1def test_stdout(capsys):
 2    print("a")
 3    print("b")
 4    print("c")
 6    output_1 = capsys.readouterr().out
 8    print("x")
 9    print("y")
10    print("z")
12    output_2 = capsys.readouterr().out
14    assert output_1 == "a\nb\nc\n"
15    assert output_2 == "x\ny\nz\n"

In this example

  • output_1 on line 6 will contain what was printed on lines 2-4

  • output_2 on line 12 will contain what was printed on lines 8-10

Part 4.2: Testing stderr#

Many command line programs print errors to a separate special file called stderr. This allows end users and other programs to do things that involve handling error messages differently from normal program output. For example to silence all errors or save a file that contains just the errors.

In Python, to print to stderr you simply include the sys module, then add the keyword argument file=sys.stderr to your print statement.

Here’s an example error() function which adds a red Error string to the beginning of the message then prints all arguments to stderr.

import sys

def error(*args):
    print("\x1b[31mError\x1b[0m", *args, file=sys.stderr)

To write a test for this we would use capsys just like before, but look for err instead of out.

def test_error(capsys):
    error("Please reconsider your life choices and try again.")

    output = capsys.readouterr().err

    assert "reconsider" in output

Part 4.3: Testing both#

If you need to check what was printed to both stdout and stderr, you need to make sure that readouterr() is only called once. You can accomplish this by assigning it to a variable.

Let’s say we’re testing a function that starts like this:

import sys

def do_thing(*args):
    print("debug: Trying to do the thing:", *args)

    if not args:
        print("Which thing should I do?", file=sys.stderr)


In our test, we’ll save the result of readouterr() to the variable captured, then check captured.out and captured.err in our assert statements.

def test_do_thing(capsys):

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "Trying to do the thing" in captured.out
    assert "Which thing" in captured.err

Part 5: Parametrization#

Parametrization is used to combine the multiple test that are almost exactly the same into one test with several test cases that are stored and run as a list of arguments to a single test function.

Part 5.1: Parametrize#

Remember our can_drink() function? Let’s say we were very responsible and wrote a whole bunch of tests for it.

Listing 536
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3def test_can_drink_15():
 4    is_allowed = can_drink(15)
 5    assert not is_allowed
 7def test_can_drink_0():
 8    is_allowed = can_drink(0)
 9    assert not is_allowed
11def test_can_drink_negative():
12    is_allowed = can_drink(-5)
13    assert not is_allowed
15def test_can_drink_float():
16    is_allowed = can_drink(17.5)
17    assert not is_allowed
19def test_can_drink_21():
20    is_allowed = can_drink(21)
21    assert is_allowed
23def test_can_drink_100():
24    is_allowed = can_drink(100)
25    assert is_allowed

Parametrization allows us to collapse that down into just one test with a few modifications.

A. Identify differences#

Identify what is different between the test functions.

Listing 537
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3def test_can_drink_15():
 4    is_allowed = can_drink(15)
 5    assert not is_allowed
 7def test_can_drink_0():
 8    is_allowed = can_drink(0)
 9    assert not is_allowed
11def test_can_drink_negative():
12    is_allowed = can_drink(-5)
13    assert not is_allowed
15def test_can_drink_float():
16    is_allowed = can_drink(17.5)
17    assert not is_allowed
19def test_can_drink_21():
20    is_allowed = can_drink(21)
21    assert is_allowed
23def test_can_drink_100():
24    is_allowed = can_drink(100)
25    assert is_allowed

You can see that there are two things that change in these tests:

  1. The age that is passed to can_drink()

  2. Whether we expect can_drink() to return True or False.

B. Add age variable#

We’ll parametrize the age passed to the can_drink() function.

  1. Replace the argument passed to can_drink() with a variable age.

  2. Add age as a parameter in the declaration of test_can_drink().

Listing 538
1from my_project.main import can_drink
3def test_can_drink(age):
4    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
5    assert not is_allowed

C. Add expected variable#

Next we’ll parametrize the expected return value.

  1. Add expected as a parameter in the declaration of test_can_drink().

  2. Change the assert statement condition to == expected (instead of is_allowed or not is_allowed) .

Listing 539
1from my_project.main import can_drink
3def test_can_drink(age, expected):
4    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
5    assert is_allowed == expected

D. Add decorator#

Setup the test for parametrization.

  1. Import pytest.

  2. Call @pytest.mark.parametrize() immediately above the test function.

    • The first argument should be list containing the parameter names from the test function, in this case age and expected

    • The second will eventually list of tuples, but let’s start with an empty list

Listing 540
1from my_project.main import can_drink
3import pytest
5@pytest.mark.parametrize(["age", "expected"], [
7def test_can_drink(age, expected):
8    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
9    assert is_allowed == expected

E. Add values for one test#

Each tuple represents what would have been a test otherwise, called a test case.

Each should contain the values for the variables in the same order they show up in in the first argument and the function declaration, in this case the values for age and expected.

If we look at the first test, above, those values are 15 for age and False for expected.

  1. Add a tuple to the empty list from above that contains the values 15 and False.

  2. Now you can run your tests and it should pass.

Listing 541
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3import pytest
 5@pytest.mark.parametrize(["age", "expected"], [
 6    (15, False),
 8def test_can_drink(age, expected):
 9    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
10    assert is_allowed == expected

As it is written now, this is functionally the same as test_can_drink_15() from above. You should be able to run this test now.

F. Add assert message#

When using parametrization, it is helpful to have a different assert message for each test case. That way if it does fail you can tell which one is the problem.

  1. Add message as a parameter in the declaration of test_can_drink().

  2. Add "message" to the end of the list of variable names in the @pytest.mark.paramaratize() call

  3. In the test add an assert message that that contains the variable message

  4. Add a string to the end of the test case tuple describing this specific case

Listing 542
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3import pytest
 5@pytest.mark.parametrize(["age", "expected", "message"], [
 6    (15, False, "False when age is less than 21"),
 8def test_can_drink(age, expected, message):
 9    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
10    assert is_allowed == expected, \
11        f"can_drink() should return {message}"

G. Add remaining test cases#

Listing 543
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3import pytest
 5@pytest.mark.parametrize(["age", "expected", "message"], [
 6    (15, False, "False when age is less than 21"),
 7    (0, False, "False when age is zero"),
 8    (-5, False, "False when age is a negative int"),
 9    (17.5, False, "False when age is a negative float"),
10    (21, True, "True when age is exactly 21"),
11    (100, True, "True when age is over 21"),
13def test_can_drink(age, expected, message):
14    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
15    assert is_allowed == expected, \
16        f"can_drink() should return {message}"

H. Run the tests#

If you run your tests in verbose mode with the -v flag, you will see a line for each test case with the values from each tuple inside brackets and separated by dashes. (I truncated the commit message here for formatting purposes, but your test output will show the whole thing.)

Listing 544 command line output#
$ pytest -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 6 items[15-False-False...] PASSED    [ 16%][0-False-False...] PASSED     [ 33%][-5-False-False...] PASSED    [ 50%][17.5-False-False...] PASSED  [ 66%][21-True-True...] PASSED      [ 83%][100-True-True...] PASSED     [100%]

====================== 6 passed in 0.01s =======================

I. Failing test output#

Here’s an example of what it looks like when a parametrized test fails.

Listing 545 command line output#
$ pytest -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 6 items[15-False-False...] PASSED    [ 16%][0-False-False...] PASSED     [ 33%][-5-False-False...] PASSED    [ 50%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
___ test_can_drink[-5-True-False when age is a negative int] ___

age = -5, expected = True
message = 'False when age is a negative int'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize(["age", "expected", "message"], [
        (15, False, "False when age is less than 21"),
        (0, False, "False when age is zero"),
        (-5, True, "False when age is a negative int"),
        (17.5, False, "False when age is a negative float"),
        (21, True, "True when age is exactly 21"),
        (100, True, "True when age is over 21"),
    def test_can_drink(age, expected, message):
        is_allowed = can_drink(age)
>       assert is_allowed == expected, \
            f"can_drink() should return {message}"
E       AssertionError: can_drink() should return False when age is a negative int
E       assert == failed. [pytest-clarity diff shown]
E         LHS vs RHS shown below
E         False
E         True
E AssertionError
=================== short test summary info ====================
FAILED[-5-True-False when age is a negative int] - AssertionError: can_drink() should return False when age is...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
================= 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.08s ==================

You can figure out which test is failing by looking at:

  • The line starting with ___ test_can_drink contains the parameters values in brackets separated by dashes

  • The lines immediately after that contain the more easily readable parameter names and values.

  • The line starting with FAILED in the test summary contains the parameters values in brackets separated by dashes

Part 5.2: Skipping instances#

You may want to include test cases that you know will fail to, for example, document something that is broken or not supported.

To do this, make a test instance that calls pytest.param() (instead of a tuple) and include the keyword argument marks=pytest.mark.xfail to indicate that it will fail.

Listing 546
 1from my_project.main import can_drink
 3import pytest
 6    ["age", "expected"], [
 7        (15, False),
 8        (0, False),
 9        (-5, False),
10        (17.5, False),
11        (21, True),
12        (100, True),
13        pytest.param("100", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
16def test_can_drink(age, expected):
17    is_allowed = can_drink(age)
18    assert is_allowed == expected

In this example we add a failing test case for passing a string to can_drink() since it’s not supported. (expected is None, but it doesn’t matter because the exception will happen on line 17.)

When we run the tests in verbose mode Pytest will indicate that that test was marked as XFAIL.

Listing 547 command line output#
$ pytest -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 7 items[15-False] PASSED      [ 14%][0-False] PASSED       [ 28%][-5-False] PASSED      [ 42%][17.5-False] PASSED    [ 57%][21-True] PASSED       [ 71%][100-True] PASSED      [ 85%][100-None] XFAIL       [100%]

================= 6 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.02s =================

Part 6: Setup and Teardown#

For tests that depend on information from the environment, it is important that each test start with a clean slate. This is generally accomplished with setup and teardown code–that is, code designated to run at the start and end of a particular process.

In this section we’ll talk about a couple of the different ways that you can do this in Pytest tests.

Part 6.1: Per-module setup/teardown functions#

Some setup or teardown steps only need to be done once per module (or file). For example, you may need to open and close a connection to a database, create and delete temporary directories, load the contents of a file, or initialize global variables.

In Pytest tests you can do this by simply defining a setup_module() function which will be executed once per file before all tests and/or a teardown_module() which will be run once per file after all tests.

Here is an example that loads json files (downloaded from and stores the data in a global variable STATE which test all test functions can access.

Listing 548
 1from pathlib import Path
 2import json
 4def setup_module(module):
 5    """Initialize STATE global variable and load from json testdata."""
 6    global STATE
 7    STATE = {}
 9    for resource in ["users", "todos"]:
10        file = Path(__file__).parent / ".data" / f"{resource}.json"
11        with as fh:
12            STATE[resource] = json.load(fh)
14def test_user():
15    """Test that the first user was loaded from the users.json file."""
16    user = STATE["users"][0]
18    assert user["id"] == 1
19    assert user["name"] == "Leanne Graham"
21def test_todo():
22    """Test that the first todo was loaded from the todos.json file."""
23    todo = STATE["todos"][0]
25    assert todo["id"] == 1
26    assert todo["title"] == "delectus aut autem"
27    assert not todo["completed"]

Part 6.2: Per-test setup/teardown functions#

It is important to start each test with a clean slate to avoid test corruption.

A. Test corruption#

Test corruption is when changes made to to one test unexpectedly breaks other tests.

Listing 549
28def test_modify_state():
29    """Change the STATE data"""
30    todo = STATE["todos"][0]
31    todo["completed"] = True
33    assert todo["completed"]
35def test_check_modified_state():
36    """Check the same data that was modified above."""
37    todo = STATE["todos"][0]
39    assert not todo["completed"]

When run test_check_modified_state() will fail because todo["completed"] was changed in the previous test.

Listing 550 command line output#
$ pytest -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 4 items

tests/ ...F                        [100%]

=========================== FAILURES ===========================
__________________ test_check_modified_state ___________________

    def test_check_modified_state():
        """Check the same data that was modified above."""
        todo = STATE["todos"][0]

>       assert not todo["completed"]
E       assert not True

tests/ AssertionError
=================== short test summary info ====================
FAILED tests/ - assert not True
================= 1 failed, 3 passed in 0.05s ==================

B. Define setup_function()#

To avoid this we will define a setup_function() function which will be run before each test.

This setup function will copy the data saved in the STATE variable to a new global variable DATA. The tests will then look at and make any changes to DATA and leave STATE alone.

Listing 551
 1from pathlib import Path
 2from copy import deepcopy
 3import json
 5def setup_module(module):
 6    """Initialize STATE global variable and load from json testdata."""
 7    global STATE
 8    STATE = {}
10    for resource in ["users", "todos"]:
11        file = Path(__file__).parent / ".data" / f"{resource}.json"
12        with as fh:
13            STATE[resource] = json.load(fh)
15def setup_function(function):
16    """Revert data to its original state before each test."""
17    global DATA
18    DATA = deepcopy(STATE)
20def test_user():
21    """Test that the first user was loaded from the users.json file."""
22    user = DATA["users"][0]
24    assert user["id"] == 1
25    assert user["name"] == "Leanne Graham"
27def test_todo():
28    """Test that the first todo was loaded from the todos.json file."""
29    todo = DATA["todos"][0]
31    assert todo["id"] == 1
32    assert todo["title"] == "delectus aut autem"
33    assert not todo["completed"]
35def test_modify_state():
36    """Change the DATA data"""
37    todo = DATA["todos"][0]
38    todo["completed"] = True
40    assert todo["completed"]
42def test_check_modified_state():
43    """Check the same data that was modified above."""
44    todo = DATA["todos"][0]
46    assert not todo["completed"]

Now that each test starts with the same known set of data, all the tests pass.

Listing 552 command line output#
$ pytest -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/python-class, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylama-8.3.7, typeguard-2.13.3
collected 4 items

tests/ ....                        [100%]

====================== 4 passed in 0.01s =======================

Part 7: Fixtures#

In tests we often need to do similar setup in many tests. As a project becomes larger, it becomes unwieldy to come up with sample data over and over again.

Fixtures are one way to approach this problem. In general terms, fixtures are the shared context of the test suite. In fact, you the setup and teardown functions from Part 6 are one example of fixtures in the most general sense.

Different languages and testing frameworks have different systems for supporting fixtures, usually involving some form of setup/teardown. Traditionally though, the term fixture refers to a single record of test data–for example a single user dictionary from DATA.

Pytest has a unique and powerful approach to fixtures which can entirely replace setup and teardown functions. It might take a minute to wrap your head around it though.

Part 7.1: Basic Fixture#

In Pytest fixtures are set up as functions decorated with the @pytest.fixture decorator and the return value is the fixture data itself.

Tests request a fixtures by declaring them as parameters, which can then be used in the function like a variable.

Here’s an example of the “Hello World” of Pytest fixtures.

Listing 553
1import pytest
4def true():
5    return True
7def test_truth(true):
8    assert true == True

Let’s take a closer look.

1. First we import pytest.

Listing 554
1import pytest

2. The decorator @pytest.fixture tells Pytest to treat the next function as a fixture.

Listing 555
4def true():
5    return True

3. The return value from the fixture function is the fixture value.

In this case the name of the fixture is true and the value is True.

Listing 556
4def true():
5    return True

4. The test requests a fixture by declaring the fixture name as a parameter in the test function.

In this case the fixture named true is added as a parameter test_truth() test.

Listing 557
7def test_truth(true):
8    assert true == True

5. Finally, we use the fixture name in the test the same way we would any other variable.

Listing 558
7def test_truth(true):
8    assert true == True


Fixtures can be used to store reusable data of all kinds, from strings to dictionaries to pathlib.Path objects.

Listing 559
 1from pathlib import Path
 3import pytest
 6def true():
 7    return True
10def bret():
11    """A user dictionary"""
12    return {
13    "id": 1,
14    "name": "Leanne Graham",
15    "username": "Bret",
16    "email": "",
17  }
20def fixturedir():
21    """Path object to fixture data files"""
22    return Path(__file__).parent / ".data"
24def test_truth(true):
25    assert true == True
27def test_something_with_a_user(bret):
28    user = User(bret)
29    assert == 1
31def test_something_from_fixturedir(fixturedir):
32    user = User(filename=fixturedir/"users.json")
33    assert == 1

Part 7.2: Fixtures Requesting Fixtures#

The same way that a test can request a fixture, a fixture can request another fixture–by declaring it as a parameter to the fixture function.

Listing 560
 1from pathlib import Path
 2import json
 4import pytest
 8def fixturesdir():
 9    """Return the Path object to the directory where fixture files are stored."""
10    return Path(__file__).parent / ".data"
14def users_file(fixturesdir):
15    return fixturesdir / "users.json"
19def users(users_file):
20    """Return """
21    with as fh:
22        users = json.load(fh)
24    return users
27def test_user(users):
28    """Test that the first user was loaded from the users.json file."""
29    user = users[0]
31    assert user["id"] == 1
32    assert user["name"] == "Leanne Graham"

Part 7.3: Scope#

In Pytest you can choose what scope a fixture is in–that is, at what level tests should share the fixture before it is destroyed. To do this pass scope=SCOPE to the @pytest.fixture() decorator.

Listing 561
2def my_fixture():
3  ...


Shared with

When Fixture is Destroyed


a single test function default

end of each test


all test methods in a class

last test in the class


all tests in a module (file)

last test in the module


all tests in the package (directory)

last test in the package


all tests to be run

last test to be run

The STATE and DATA setup and teardown could be written using fixtures instead.

Listing 562
 1from copy import deepcopy
 2import json
 3from pathlib import Path
 5import pytest
 9def state():
10    """Load state from json testdata."""
11    data = {}
13    for resource in ["users", "todos"]:
14        #  file = Path(__file__).parent / ".data" / f"{resource}.json"
15        file = Path.cwd() / f"{resource}.json"
16        with as fh:
17            data[resource] = json.load(fh)
19    return data
23def users(state):
24    """Return a fresh set of data for each function."""
25    return deepcopy(state["users"])
29def todos(state):
30    """Return a fresh set of data for each function."""
31    return deepcopy(state["todos"])
34def test_user(users):
35    """Test that the first user was loaded from the users.json file."""
36    user = users[0]
38    assert user["id"] == 1
39    assert user["name"] == "Leanne Graham"
42def test_todo(todos):
43    """Test that the first todo was loaded from the todos.json file."""
44    todo = todos[0]
46    assert todo["id"] == 1
47    assert todo["title"] == "delectus aut autem"
48    assert not todo["completed"]
51def test_modify_state(todos):
52    """Change the data"""
53    todo = todos[0]
54    todo["completed"] = True
56    assert todo["completed"]
59def test_check_modified_state(todos):
60    """Check the same data that was modified above."""
61    todo = todos[0]
63    assert not todo["completed"]




test suite#

A collection of tests.

test case#

In testing a test case is the individual unit of testing that checks for a specific response to a particular set of inputs.

In Pytest parametrization each combination of test and data (or parameters) is a test case. Each set of parameters is stored in a list of tuples passed as the second argument to @pytest.mark.parametrize.


In a test suite the fixtures provide a defined, reliable and consistent shared context for the tests. This includes any preperation that is required for one or more tests to run and may include things like setup and teardown such as creating a database or temporary directories; environment setup like configuration; or data to be used in individual test cases.

In Pytest fixtures are defined as functions marked with the @pytest.fixture decorator that may or may not return fixture data.

When programmers refer to “a fixture” it usually refers to a single record of test data–for example, a single user record.

fixture scope#

In Pytest the scope of a fixture determines the lifespan of a fixture. That is, at what level a fixture should be shared between tests before it is destroyed, and thus a new instance created the next time it is requested.

The default is that a fixture should exist only for the scope of a single test function. A fixture scope may also be for the class, module, package or session.

hello world#
Hello World#
Hello World!#

A small piece of code used to demonstrate the most basic syntax and setup of a particular language or tool. Most a program to print “Hello World!”

See also#