File I/O#

I/O is a shorthand way of referring to input and output. The input() and print() functions are two examples of input and output. In this lesson we’ll learn another: how to read from and write to files.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Reading Files#

Sometimes in our programs we need to access information that is stored in a file. In programming this is called reading a file and that’s what we’ll learn first.

Part 1.1: Reading whole files#

In this section we will get the contents of a file containing a grocery list then then print it to the screen.

A. Create groceries.txt#

First we’ll need a file to read from. Paste the following lines into a new file groceries.txt, located in the same directory you will be running the script from, or the working directory.

Listing 204 groceries.txt#
1- eggs
2- milk
3- flour

B. Create

1. Create a second file also in the working directory.

2. To interact with files we start by using Pythons built-in open() function. It returns a file handler object, which we’ll assign to a variable fh. The open() function takes at least one argument, the location of the file to open. In this case we want a string with the filename: "groceries.txt".

3. The file handler object represents the connection to the file and provides methods for interacting with the file. In this case, we are interested in the .read() method which returns the entire contents of the file as a string. We’ll assign the string to the variable contents.

4. We’re done with the file now so we’ll call the .close() method on fh to free up the computer resources used to manage the file. It is important to always close a file handler when its no longer needed to avoid bugs that may slow down your computer or interfere with the file you opened.

5. Finally, we’ll print the title "Groceries" underlined with = followed by the contents of the file.

Listing 205
 1# open the file and create a file handler object
 2fh = open("groceries.txt")
 4# get a string with the contents of the file
 5contents =
 7# close the file handler
10# print a header followed by the file contents

6. When you run your script you should see a nicely formatted grocery list, all ready for a shopping trip.

Listing 206 output#
- eggs
- milk
- flour

Part 1.2: Exercise#

Exercise 62 (reading files)

In this exercise you’ll be reading a file and printing its contents to the screen, just like you did above but with a different file.

  1. Copy the following text and paste it into a file named in your working directory.
    Mug Brownie
    - 1/4 cup flour (30 g)
    - 1/4 cup sugar (50 g)
    - 2 tablespoons (13 g) cocoa (natural, unsweetened)
    - Pinch of salt
    - Tiny pinch of cinnamon
    - 1/4 cup water (60 ml)
    - 2 tablespoons (30 ml) melted butter, or neutral oil
    - 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
    - 1 small scoop of ice cream or 1 or 2 teaspoons heavy whipping cream to serve
    1. **Add the dry ingredients to the mug and stir**
       Place flour, sugar, cocoa, salt, and cinnamon in a microwave safe ceramic mug. Stir with a fork or spoon to mix well and break up any clumps.
    2. **Add the wet ingredients and stir**
       Add the butter or oil, water, and vanilla to the cup and stir until the mixture is smooth and there are no lumps.
    3. **Zap in microwave**
       Place in microwave and heat on high until the mixture is cooked through, about a 1 minute and 40 seconds for a 1000 watt microwave, or 1 minute 10 seconds on a 1650 watt microwave.
       You may have to experiment and adjust the time for less or more powerful microwaves. If you don't know the power level on your microwave, start with 60 seconds and increase until the brownie is done. It should still be moist when cooked through, not dry.
  2. Create a new file for this exercise.

  3. Use the open() function to get a file handler for the file.

  4. Use the .read() method to get the contents of the file and assign it to a variable recipe.

  5. Use the .close() method to close the file handler.

  6. Print the recipe.

Part 1.3: Reading lines#

Sometimes instead of getting the entire contents of a file at once, we want to go through each line line for more fine grained control.

This is where the .readlines() method on file handler objects comes in. It returns a list, where each element is one line from the file.

A. Modify

In this section we’ll modify the file to use the .readlines() method in a for loop.

1. Since we’ll be printing each line as it is read, first we’ll need to move the header lines to the beginning of the script so that they are printed first.

2. As before, we’ll need a file handler object from open(), so we can leave that line unchanged.

3. This time we’ll replace the .read() line with a for loop, iterating over the list returned by fh.readlines(). We’ll call the item variable line, since it will contain a line from the file in each iteration.

4. Now the list returned by .readlines() retains the carriage return ("\n") at the end of each line string. So when we print each line in the for loop, we’ll tell the print() function not to add a newline by passing it the end keyword argument with a value of "".

5. Finally, we’ll still want to .close() the file handler, so that line can stay the way it is.

Listing 208
 1# print a header
 5# open the file and create a file handler object
 6fh = open("groceries.txt")
 8# loop through each line of the file
 9for line in fh.readlines():
11  # print the line which includes the trailing "\n"
12  # and pass print an empty string for end
13  # so it doesn't add an extra newline
14  print(line, end="")
16# close the file handler

6. When you run your script the output should be the same.

Listing 209 output#
- eggs
- milk
- flour

Part 1.4: Exercise#

Exercise 63 (reading lines)

In this exercise you’ll be reading each line of a todo.txt file using the .readlines() method then printing each line with a * at the beginning.

  1. Copy the following text and paste it into a file named todo.txt in your working directory that contains a list of items to do.

    Listing 210 todo.txt#
  2. Create a new file for this exercise.

  3. Use the open() function to get a file handler for the todo.txt file.

  4. Use a for loop to iterate over the list returned by fh.readlines() and name the item variable line.

  5. In the for loop, print "* " followed by each line and tell print() not to add an extra newline by passing the end keyword argument with an empty string.

  6. Use the .close() method to close the file handler.

Your output should look like this:

Listing 211 output#
* dishes
* laundry
* homework

Part 2: Writing Files#

Sometimes we need to create or modify files. That’s what we’ll be learning in this section.

Part 2.1: Creating or truncating#

The open() function takes an optional mode argument, which is a string that indicates what we plan to do with the file. The default is "r" for read mode.

To write to a file though, we’ll open it in write mode by passing the optional mode argument "w" to open(). Write mode will either create or overwrite the file and open it with permission to write.

A. Write to packing.txt#

In this section we’re going write the contents of a to_pack list to a packing.txt file.

1. Create a file, add a create_packing() function and call it. The rest of your code in this section will go in this function.

2. Add a to_pack list of strings, things to pack.

3. Get a file handler fh by calling open() with the arguments "packing.txt" and "w" for write mode. Be aware: the file is created or truncated as soon as open() is called when in write mode.

4. Using a for loop iterate over the to_pack list and name the item variable thing.

5. In write mode, file handler objects keep a buffer where the text to be written to the file is stored until .close() is called. Inside the loop we’ll add each thing to the buffer by calling the .write() method on fh with the argument "- thing\n". Don’t forget to add a "\n" to the end of each string or the file will all be smooshed onto one long line!

6. As always, we need to .close() the file handler when we’re done with the file. It is especially important in write mode because that is when the buffer is written to disk.

Listing 213
 1def create_packing():
 2  """Create or overwrite packing.txt and write contents of to_pack list on each
 3     line"""
 5  # create a list of things to pack
 6  to_pack = [
 7    "phone charger",
 8    "passport",
 9    "weapons",
10    "cash",
11  ]
13  # open packing.txt in write mode, which is
14  # when the file is created or truncated
15  fh = open("packing.txt", "w")
17  # iterate through the to_pack list
18  for thing in to_pack:
19      # add each thing to the file buffer
20      # with a "\n" suffix so its on its own line
21      fh.write(f"- {thing}\n")
23  # close the file handler, which is when the the file is written to disk
24  fh.close()
26if __name__ == "__main__":
27  create_packing()

7. Now open up your packing.txt file. It should look something like this:

Listing 214 packing.txt#
- phone charger
- passport
- weapons
- cash

Part 2.2: Exercise#

Exercise 64 (writing files)

In this exercise you’ll make a people list and write it to a xmas_shopping.txt file.

  1. Create a file for this script, add a create_xmas_shopping() function and call it. Put the rest of the code from this exercise in that function.

  2. Add a people list of strings, names of people to shop for.

  3. Open the file xmas_shopping.txt in write mode and name the file handler object fh.

  4. Iterate through your list of people using a for loop and name your items variable name.

  5. In the loop .write() a line to the buffer: "[ ] name\n".

  6. .close() the file handler

xmas_shopping.txt should look something like this:

Listing 215 xmas_shopping.txt#
[ ] Buffy
[ ] Xander
[ ] Willow
[ ] Giles

Part 2.3: Adding to files#

Often instead of writing a whole file from scratch we just want to add to the end of it. That’s when we want append mode.

A. Add to packing.txt#

In this section we’re going append a single line to the packing.txt file.

1. Open the file, add a addto_packing() function and call it. The rest of your code in this section will go in this function.

2. Get a file handler fh by calling open() with the arguments "packing.txt" and "a" for append mode.

3. Add a single line the buffer by calling the .write() method on fh with the argument "- thing to pack\n".

4. Finally, .close() the file handler.

Listing 217
26def addto_packing():
27  """Append a single line to the packing.txt file"""
29  # open the file in append mode
30  fh = open("packing.txt", "a")
32  # add a single line to the file buffer
33  fh.write("- first aid kit\n")
35  # close the file handler, which is when the the file is written to disk
36  fh.close()
38if __name__ == "__main__":
39  create_packing()
40  addto_packing()

5. After running your code the packing.txt file should look something like this:

Listing 218 packing.txt#
- phone charger
- passport
- weapons
- cash
- first aid kit

Part 2.4: Exercise#

Exercise 65 (appending to files)

In this exercise you’ll append a single line to the xmas_shopping.txt file.

  1. Open the file, add a addto_xmas_shopping() function and call it. Put the rest of the code from this exercise in that function.

  2. Open the file xmas_shopping.txt in append mode and name the file handler object fh.

  3. .write() a line to the buffer: "[ ] name\n".

  4. .close() the file handler

You should see the new name in xmas_shopping.txt, something like:

Listing 219 xmas_shopping.txt#
[ ] Buffy
[ ] Xander
[ ] Willow
[ ] Giles
[ ] Angel

Part 4: Automatic file closing#

There are lots of reasons that it is important to always .close() a file handler object when you’re done with it.

  • In theory Python is supposed to close any open file handlers when a program ends, but it’s not a guarantee.

  • The more files are open, the more resources are used, and the more space is taken up in memory. Leaving things open unnecessarily could slow down your program and your computer while your program runs.

  • File changes usually don’t go into effect until you close the file handler. If another part of your program is counting on those changes, you’ll run into unpleasant surprises if you haven’t yet closed it.

  • There are limits to how many files a computer can have open at a time. While it is rare to bump up against those limits in normal operation, it’s certainly the kind of trouble a programmer can get themselves into by mistake. (Imagine opening files in an infinite loop!)

  • Some operating systems treat open files as locked, which may prevent you from reading the file with another program or even deleting it.

But sometimes mistakes happen. It’s easy to forget, and what if there is an error after opening the file but before it is closed?

That’s where the with statement and context managers come in.

Part 4.1: the with statement#

File handlers in Python have the feature of being context managers, which are objects designed to know how to do their own housekeeping for use in a with statement.

More on that later, but first lets take a quick look at the syntax of a with statement:

with EXPN as VAR:

For files it looks like:

with open(...) as fh:
    # do stuff with fh


an expression that produces a context manager


variable name for the object


statements that use VAR

So, what does that do?

The with statement wraps a block of code with calls to internal setup and teardown methods provided by the context manager. In particular, anything that ends the execution of the block triggers a call to the teardown method; whether it ended because it finished or because there was an error. Neither errors nor ^C stays the with statement from completing the appointed teardown.

File handlers know how to clean up after themselves. That means that when used in a with statement .close() is called automatically at the end of the statement, even if there is an error in the BODY.

Lets take a look at our very first groceries.txt code alongside the same code written using a with statement.

Listing 221
 1# open the file
 2fh = open("groceries.txt")
 4# read the contents
 5contents =
 7# close the file handler
10# print the file contents
Listing 222
 1# open the file
 2with open("groceries.txt") as fp:
 4   # read the contents
 5    contents =
 7# `fh` is automatically closed
 8# no need to call fh.close()
10# print the file contents

Part 4.2: scores.txt#

In this section we are going to use a with statement to append a line with random number to a scores.txt file.

1. Create a new file

2. Import the random module.

3. Add a add_scores() function and call it. The rest of your code in this section will go in this function.

4. Call random.randint() to get a random number between 0 and 100 and assign it to the variable score.

5. Use a with statement to open the "scores.txt":

  • the EXPN should be a call to open() with the arguments "scores.txt" and "a" for append mode

  • give the VAR the name fh

  • in the BODY add a single line "score\n" the buffer by calling the .write() method on fh

Listing 223
 1import random
 3def add_scores():
 4    """Append a random score between 1 and 100 to"""
 6    # get a random number between 1 and 100
 7    score = random.randint(0, 100)
 9    # open scores.txt in append mode
10    with open("scores.txt", "a") as fh:
12        # add the score to the file buffer
13        fh.write(f"{score}\n")
15if __name__ == "__main__":
16    add_scores()

6. After you run your script scores.txt should contain a single number, something like this:

Listing 224 scores.txt#

7. Run your script a few more times. scores.txt should have some new lines, something like this:

Listing 225 scores.txt#

Part 4.3: Exercise#

Exercise 66 (with statements)

In this exercise you’ll be reading each line of the scores.txt file using the .readlines() method then printing the last line.

  1. Open the file, add a new function last_score(), and call it.

  2. Use a with statement to open the "scores.txt":

    • the EXPN should be a call to open() with the argument "scores.txt" to open the file in read mode.

    • give the VAR the name fh

    • in the BODY:

      • Use a for loop to iterate over the list returned by fh.readlines() and call the item variable score

      • You only need to for loop to assign the score variable, so in the body of the loop just continue.

  3. After the with statement, score will still be assigned to the last line of the file. Print Your last score was: score and use the end keyword argument to avoid adding an extra newline.

Your output should look something like this:

Listing 226 output#
Your last score was: 18


File Modes#

These are the mode characters that can be used in the open() function.








read only (default)




create a new file or overwrite existing




add to the end of a file



exclusive create

create a new file or fail if existing




allow reading and writing




text files (default)




for images and other non-text files

They can be combined, for example:




start at the end of the file and allow both reading and writing


create a new file or overwrite existing and allow reading and writing


open a file in binary mode for reading only

See Also#


File Io#

file-like object#
file object#
file handler#
IO object#

An object used to connect to and interact with a file.


A sort of temporary holding pen for data that is going from one place to another. For example, the default behavior of writable file handler objects is to append the data passed to the .write() function to the write buffer, then write the buffer to disk when the handler is closed. This improves preformance by reducing the number of hard disk writes.

context manager#
context manager objects#

Python objects that know how to do their own houskeeping. More precicely, objects that provide the dunder methods .__enter__() and .__exit__() intended to be used by the with statement for setup and teardown tasks.


To shorten something but cutting off a part. When a text file is opened in write mode, it is truncated to zero bytes, thereby removing all content from the file.