Often in programming you want to do the same task again and again. Instead of repeatedly typing the same code or copy and pasting it, you can save the code in a reusable function.
A function is a set of Python instructions or statements that can be executed later. If you’re familiar with macros in spreadsheet programs, it’s kind of like that.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Defining and calling#

When you create or define a function, you can imagine it’s like a music roll for a self-playing piano.
Later when you want to use or “play” it, you call the function.
To define a function you’ll write a compound statement that starts with
the def
keyword. Next choose a name or identifier that will be used
to call it, followed immediately by a pair of parenthesis and a colon.
On a new, indented line, add the statements that make up what the function does. Each of the statements indented at the same level will be part of the function.
name of the function |
zero or more comma separated names for variable arguments |
statements to execute each time the function is called |
Here’s a simple example.
def hello():
To call a function add a pair of parenthesis immediately after the
function name. For example, here’s how to call the hello
Part 1.1: Exercise#
Exercise 6 (horizontal line function)
Write a function called hr
to print a line of dashes 100 characters wide, like so:
Solution to Exercise 6 (horizontal line function)
def hr():
print("-" * 100)
Part 2: Parameters and Arguments#
While it is useful to be able to repeat exactly the same lines of code, often we want to repeat tasks that are almost the same. This is where parameters and arguments come in, because they let us change the value of specific variables when a function is called.
Part 2.1: Parameters and Arguments#
A parameter is a variable name you give to data that the function gets later. You add it to the function definition as you’ll see below.
The actual values, called arguments, get sent to the function and assigned when the function is called, then cease to exist when the function is done being executed.
To define a function with a parameter, put the parameter (variable) name you
picked inside the parenthesis on the def
def hello(name):
message = "Hello " + name + "."
Similarly, put the argument, (the variable value) inside the parenthesis when calling the function.
Hello John.
When the function is executed the argument value is assigned to a variable with
the parameter name you chose. As if each time you call the function, the line
is run first.
So that this:
def hello(name):
message = "Hello " + name + "."
Is equivalent to:
name = "Mary"
message = "Hello " + name + "."
Separate multiple parameters with a comma.
def greet(time, name):
message = "Good " + time + " " + name + "."
The same with multiple arguments.
greet("morning", "Mr. Smith")
greet("afternoon", "Mrs. Doe")
Good morning Mr. Smith.
Good afternoon Mrs. Doe.
Part 2.2: Exercise#
Exercise 7 (header function)
Write a header()
function that takes one string parameter title
and prints
the title followed by a line of dashes the same length of the title, like so:
>>> header("Chapter One")
Chapter One
Solution to Exercise 7 (header function)
def header(title):
print("-" * len(title))
Part 2.3: Positional Arguments#
Most of the time functions are called using positional arguments. That is, each argument is assigned based on its position in the argument list.
Lets look at the following function as an example.
def winners(first, second, third):
"""Print the contest winners"""
print(f"The first place winner is: {first}")
print(f"The second place winner is: {second}")
print(f"The third place winner is: {third}")
When we call it below, "Alex"
is assigned to the variable first
that argument is the first one passed; "Bob"
is assigned to second
that argument is the second passed, and so on.
The first place winner is: Alex
The second place winner is: Bob
The third place winner is: Celeste
When calling functions this way, changing the order of the arguments will change the parameters they are assigned to.
The first place winner is: Celeste
The second place winner is: Alex
The third place winner is: Bob
Part 2.4: Keyword Arguments#
You can also use keyword arguments when calling a function to make it
clear which argument is which. Just put the parameter name followed by an =
in front of the argument value.
The first place winner is: Alex
The second place winner is: Bob
The third place winner is: Celeste
You can even mix and match positional arguments and keyword arguments, as long as you put all of the positional arguments first.
The first place winner is: Alex
The second place winner is: Bob
The third place winner is: Celeste
When using keyword arguments, you can change the order of your arguments without effecting how they are assigned.
The first place winner is: Alex
The second place winner is: Bob
The third place winner is: Celeste
It can also be useful to use keyword arguments to make your code more clear.
For example, imagine a calculate_cost
function that takes a bunch of numeric
def calculate_cost(price, quantity, tax, tip):
Which of the following lines of code do you think is easier to understand?
cost = calculate_cost(
cost = calculate_cost(
Some functions have default values for arguments, making them optional. When there are multiple arguments with default values, you can use keyword arguments to pass some arguments while skipping others.
For example, the print()
function can take the optional keyword arguments
, for what string to append to the end of the text (default "\n"
), and
, for what string to put between each argument when printed (default: " "
You can use keyword arguments to specify either or both.
# called normally without keyword arguments
# passing the `end` keyword argument
print("hello", end=" ")
print("there", end=".")
hello there.
# called normally without keyword arguments
print("555", "555", "5555")
555 555 5555
# passing the `sep` keyword argument
print("555", "555", "5555", sep="-")
Part 2.5: Exercises#
Exercise 8 (keyword arguments)
Call the
function with the arguments"a"
, and"c"
with a value of"\n"
for thesep
keyword argument.Call the
function multiple times in a row, with the value of"... "
for theend
keyword argument.a. Write a function called
that takes the argumentsname
, and prints"____s birthday is on ___ __, ____."
For example: “Homer Simpsons birthday is on May 12, 1956.”
b. Call it with multiple names and birthdays, using positional arguments and keyword arguments.
Solution to Exercise 8 (keyword arguments)
1. Call the print()
function with the arguments "a"
, "b"
, and "c"
a value of "\n"
for the sep
keyword argument.
>>> print("a", "b", "c", sep="\n")
2. Call the print()
function multiple times in a row, with the value of "... "
for the end
keyword argument.
>>> print("x", end="... ") ; print("y", end="... ") ; print("z", end="... ")
x... y... z...
3a. Write a function called birthday
that takes the arguments name
, month
and year
, and prints "____s birthday is on ___ __, ____."
def birthday(name, month, day, year):
print(f"{name}s birthday is on {month} {day}, {year}.")
3b. Call it with multiple names and birthdays, using positional arguments and keyword arguments.
>>> birthday("Homer Simpson", "May", 12, 1956)
Homer Simpsons birthday is on May 12, 1956.
>>> birthday(name="Homer Simpson", month="May", day=12, year=1956)
Homer Simpsons birthday is on May 12, 1956.
>>> birthday(year=1984, month="April", day=1, name="Bart Simpson")
Bart Simpsons birthday is on April 1, 1984.
>>> birthday(month="May", day=9, year=1986, name="Lisa Simpson")
Lisa Simpsons birthday is on May 9, 1986.
Part 3: Returning values#
The return statement is used to exit a function and optionally send data back to the caller.
By itself return
works similar to the break
statement in a for loop. No
other code in the function will be executed.
def print_stuff():
print("this will be printed")
print("this will never be printed")
this will be printed
It’s common to return
inside an if
statement, for example, to avoid errors.
def hr(width):
if width < 0:
print("Error: width can't be negative")
print("=" * width)
Error: width can't be negative
The return
statement can optionally send a value back to the caller, so that
the function call will then evaluate to that value.
def is_between(num, start_range, end_range):
if num >= start_range and num <= end_range:
return True
return False
Then you can call the function anywhere you want to use the value it returns.
For example, assigning it to a variable…
from random import randint
height = randint(36, 108)
too_short = is_between(height, 1, 48)
words = ("can", "cannot")
print(f'A person of {height}" {words[too_short]} ride the ride.')
A person of 59" can ride the ride.
…in an if
score = randint(-200, 200)
if not is_between(score, 1, 100):
print(f"Error: Invalid score: {score}")
print(f"Your score is: {score}%")
Error: Invalid score: -40
…or as part of an expression.
rating = randint(0, 10)
text = is_between(rating, 1, 5) * f"Stars: {'*' * rating}"
if not text:
print(f"Invalid rating: {rating}")
Invalid rating: 7
Lets take a look at the difference between printing in the function, and returning.
def hello(name):
print(f"hello {name}")
text = hello("you")
hello you
<class 'NoneType'>
When the function is called, the string "hello you"
printed. Since nothing is returned, text
is None
def hello(name):
return f"hello {name}"
text = hello("you")
<class 'str'>
hello you
Nothing is printed when the function is called and text
is assigned the
string "hello you"
Part 3.1: Exercise#
Exercise 9 (random function)
Write a number()
function to return
a random number between 1
and 100
Solution to Exercise 9 (random function)
import random
def number():
return random.randint(1, 100)
Part 4: Docstrings#
Docstrings are a special kind of string in Python that are enclosed with three
single '''
or double """
quotes. They can be used as a normal string that
has the added bonus of being able to span multiple lines.
Their namesake, and the reason we are interested in them today, comes from the fact that when a docstring is the very first line of a file, function, or class, it serves as documentation.
def greet(time, name):
"""Return a greeting message based on the time of day"""
message = "Good " + time + " " + name + "."
return message
You can see this works like a comment while looking at the code. Niftier still,
a functions docstring is saved by Python and can be used from the interpreters
Say we have the following
1"""Functions for greeting people"""
3def hello(name):
4 """Print hello to name"""
5 message = "Hello " + name + "."
6 print(message)
8def greet(time, name):
9 """Return a greeting message based on the time of day"""
10 message = "Good " + time + " " + name + "."
11 return message
We could then import our functions from a Python shell, and call the help()
our own hello
>>> from greetings import hello
>>> help(hello)
Help on function hello in module greetings:
Print hello to name
Or we could do the same thing for the whole greetings
>>> import greetings
>>> help(greetings)
Help on module greetings:
greetings - Functions for greeting people
greet(time, name)
Return a greeting message based on the time of day
Print hello to name
Ideally all functions should have a simple doctring describing what the function does, any parameters, and any return value. For simple functions a one line brief description will do the trick.
For more complicated functions, you can take advantage of the multi-line abilities of docstrings to add detailed information. Here’s a long docstring example.
1def prettify(message, align, width):
2 """Return a formatted message
4 Params
5 ------
6 message (str): Message to format
7 align (str): Alignment of text (left, center, right)
8 width (int): Width of text
10 Returns
11 -------
12 message (str): formatted message
14 Examples
15 --------
16 >>> prettify("hello", "center", 100)
17 ' hello '
18 >>> prettify("goodbye", "right", 100)
19 ' goodbye'
20 """
22 if align not in ("left", "center", "right"):
23 print(f"Invalid align argument: '{align}'")
24 return
26 if align == "center":
27 message =
28 elif align == "right":
29 message = message.rjust(width)
31 return message
Part 5: Exercises#
Part 5.1: welcome()
Exercise 10 (welcome)
Write a function named welcome
that prints "Welcome to coding class!"
>>> welcome()
Solution to Exercise 10 (welcome)
1def welcome():
2 print("Welcome to coding class!")
>>> welcome()
Welcome to coding class!
Part 5.2: letter_count()
Exercise 11 (letter_count)
Write a function called letter_count
that takes one argument text
prints "There are __ characters in '___'."
Call it multiple times with
different arguments.
Solution to Exercise 11 (letter_count)
1def letter_count(text):
2 print(f"There are {len(text)} characters in '{text}'.")
>>> letter_count("hello")
There are 5 characters in 'hello'.
>>> letter_count("goodbye")
There are 7 characters in 'goodbye'.
>>> letter_count("many thanks")
There are 11 characters in 'many thanks'.
>>> letter_count("")
There are 0 characters in ''.
Part 5.3: is_vowel()
Exercise 12 (is_vowel)
a. Write a function named is_vowel
that returns True
if a character is a
vowel and False
otherwise. Don’t print anything in the function. Bonus:
make it case-insensitive.
>>> is_vowel("a")
>>> is_vowel("E")
>>> is_vowel("c")
>>> is_vowel("something")
b. Call the function with a letter assign the result to a variable like
. Print "is '_____' a vowel?: ___"
. (Note: this should be
outside of the function.) Do this same thing with multiple arguments.
Solution to Exercise 12 (is_vowel)
1def is_vowel(letter):
2 return letter.lower() in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
>>> ltr = "a" ; answer = is_vowel(ltr)
>>> print(f"is '{ltr}' a vowel?: {answer}")
is 'a' a vowel?: True
>>> ltr = "z" ; answer = is_vowel(ltr)
>>> print(f"is '{ltr}' a vowel?: {answer}")
is 'z' a vowel?: False
>>> ltr = "E" ; answer = is_vowel(ltr)
>>> print(f"is '{ltr}' a vowel?: {answer}")
is 'E' a vowel?: True
>>> ltr = "word" ; answer = is_vowel(ltr)
>>> print(f"is '{ltr}' a vowel?: {answer}")
is 'word' a vowel?: False
>>> ltr = "" ; answer = is_vowel(ltr)
>>> print(f"is '{ltr}' a vowel?: {answer}")
is '' a vowel?: False
Part 5.4: tip()
Exercise 13 (tip)
a. Write a function tip
that takes the arguments, cost
and percent
, and
returns the tip amount. Do not print anything inside the function.
>>> tip(100, 20)
b. Call the function with an argument for cost
and percent
and assign the
result to a variable like amount
. Print the result like: "A ____% tip on a $_____ bill is: $_____"
. (Note: this should be outside of the function.)
Do this same thing with multiple arguments.
Solution to Exercise 13 (tip)
1def tip(cost, percent):
2 return cost * (percent/100)
>>> c, p = 100, 20 ; amount = tip(c, p)
>>> print(f"A {p}% tip on a ${c} bill is: ${amount}")
A 20% tip on a $100 bill is: $20.0
>>> c, p = 10, 15 ; amount = tip(c, p)
>>> print(f"A {p}% tip on a ${c} bill is: ${amount}")
A 15% tip on a $10 bill is: $1.5
>>> c, p = 500, 10 ; amount = tip(c, p)
>>> print(f"A {p}% tip on a ${c} bill is: ${amount}")
A 10% tip on a $500 bill is: $50.0
Part 5.5: total()
Exercise 14 (total)
a. Write a function total
that takes the arguments, bill
and tip_percent
and returns the total including the tip. To calculate the tip call your
function from the total()
function. Do not print anything inside the
>>> total(100, 20)
b. Call the function with an argument for bill
and tip_percent
and assign the
result to a variable like final
. Print the result like:
"The final total on a $___ bill including a __% tip is: $_____"
(Note: this should be outside of the function.) Do this same thing with
multiple arguments.
Solution to Exercise 14 (total)
1def total(bill, tip_percent):
2 return bill + tip(bill, tip_percent)
>>> b = 100 ; t = 20 ; final = total(b, t)
>>> print(f"The final total on a ${b} bill including a {t}% tip is: ${final}")
The final total on a $100 bill including a 20% tip is: $120.0
>>> b = 10 ; t = 15 ; final = total(b, t)
>>> print(f"The final total on a ${b} bill including a {t}% tip is: ${final}")
The final total on a $10 bill including a 15% tip is: $11.5
>>> b = 500 ; t = 10 ; final = total(b, t)
>>> print(f"The final total on a ${b} bill including a {t}% tip is: ${final}")
The final total on a $500 bill including a 10% tip is: $550.0
Part 5.6: Docstring exercise#
Exercise 15 (docstrings)
Add a simple docstring to your file and all of the functions you’ve written
today. Import them into a Python shell and use the help()
function to view them.
- argument#
A value that is passed as input to a function.
- call#
code that tells the computer to execute the code within a previously defined function or method by using the function name followed by
, with any arguments inside the parenthisis.- define#
- defining a function#
Creating a function by specifying its name, the parameters it takes, and what it does. In Python, this is done using the
keyword.- docstring#
a special kind of string surrounded by triple double-quotes
or triple single-quotes'''
that can span multiple lines. When a docstring appears as the first expression in a file, module, class, or function it is stored by Python as documentation and can be seen by using thehelp()
function in the Python shell.- function#
a named block of reusable code. A function may or may not take arguments, and may or may not return a value. In Python it is recommended to use the
for function names.- keyword argument#
when arguments passed to a function are preceeded by the paramater name and an equals sign (
) so that they are assigned to the specified parameter regardless of the order in which they appear- parameter#
The named variables that appear in a function definition to specify the arguments it can accept.
- positional argument#
when arguments are passed to a function so that they are assigned based on the order in which they appear
- return#
a statement that can be used in a function to exit the function and optionally send a value to the caller