PyPet Battle#

The game you’re going to make takes our old PyPets and has them battle until one of them wins.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Create a New Script#

First, we’re going to create a new script based off of the template we worked on in the Dragon Realm lesson.

Part 1.1: Download the Template#

In the Console

We’ll use a program called curl which is used to communicate with web servers.

curl -O

Part 1.2: Add the Script#

Now we’ll use the cp command to copy the script.

In the Console


Then follow the instructions in Tips to edit your .replit file to point to your new script.

Part 1.3: Basic script setup#

Now let’s change the script docstring at the beginning of the file to a description of the game. Copy these rules rules from here:

Listing 342 docstring#
 5PyPet Battle Game:
 7[ ] Two fighters are randomly chosen from a list of PETS, each starting with a
 8    health of 100
 9[ ] Print out details about the chosen fighters
10[ ] Each fighter takes a turn attacking the other until one fighter wins.
11    - Each attack will have a description and do randomly selected amount of
12      damage between 10-30
13    - Each attack will print out the description of the attack, the damage it
14      did, and the health of each fighter at the end of the turn
15    - Whoever reaches 0 first loses and the other player wins.
16[ ] At the end of the game, announce the winner

Change the docstring for the main() function:

Listing 343 main()#
54def main():
55    """PyPet Battle Game"""

And let’s change the print statement in the main() function to something more fitting for this game like maybe:

Listing 344 main()#
54def main():
55    """PyPet Battle Game"""
56    print("Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!")

Now run your script and let’s see it go!

Part 2. Make a function outline#

We’re going to approach this a little differently–we’re going to take a guess at what we think the game will look like and write minimal functions for those parts. We’re going to do a version of “write a function and call it”, except for now the functions will be placeholders where we will put future code.

If we look at the game description in the script docstring, we get a pretty good idea of how the script might look.

Part 2.1: Choose the fighters#

Listing 345 task for this section#
[ ] Two fighters are randomly chosen from a list of PETS, each starting with a
    health of 100

We need a function that will choose two items from the PETS list and return them.

Listing 346 lotto()#
44def lotto():
45    """Return two randomly chosen PETs"""

In main() add a line to call the new lotto() function, then assign the results to a variable named fighters.

Listing 347 main()#
66def main():
67    """PyPet Battle Game"""
68    print("Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
70    fighters = lotto()

Let’s get rid of the rest of the comments under the # Functions comment line, then add a new comment heading under it: top-level game functions.

Listing 348 comment headers#
39# ## Functions ###############################################################
41# ### top-level game functions ###

Then add the lotto() function. For now, it will only have the docstring, and return an empty list ([]).

Listing 349 lotto()#
44def lotto():
45    """Return two randomly chosen PETs"""
46    return []

Part 2.2: Introduce the fighters#

Next we’ll need a function to introduce the fighters.

Listing 350 task for this section#
[ ] Print out details about the chosen fighters

Under the end of the lotto() function add an intro() function, which will take one argument fighters. This function won’t return anything so it one will just contain the docstring for now.

Listing 351 intro()#
49def intro(fighters):
50    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""

In main() add a line to call the new intro() function with the argument fighters.

Listing 352 main()#
66def main():
67    """PyPet Battle Game"""
68    print("Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
70    fighters = lotto()
71    intro(fighters)

Part 2.3: The fight#

Now the fighters fight!

Listing 353 task for this section#
[ ] Each fighter takes a turn attacking the other until one fighter wins.

Add a fight() function that that takes the list of fighters as an argument. We know it will return a dictionary from the PET list, so as a placeholder return an empty dictionary ({}).

Listing 354 fight()#
53def fight(fighters):
54    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
55       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
56    return {}

Let’s add it to the main() function add a line to call our new fight() function and assign the results to a variable named winner.

Listing 355 main()#
66def main():
67    """PyPet Battle Game"""
68    print("Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
70    fighters = lotto()
71    intro(fighters)
72    winner = fight(fighters)

Part 2.4: Winner, winner#

Now we wrap up the game by announcing the winner.

Listing 356 task for this section#
[ ] At the end of the game, announce the winner

Add an endgame() function that will take the winner as an argument. We know it will return a dictionary from the PET list, so as a placeholder return an empty dictionary ({}).

Listing 357 endgame()#
59def endgame(winner):
60    """Takes a PET (winner) and announce that they won the fight"""

In main() add a line to call the new endgame() function with the argument winner.

Listing 358 main()#
66def main():
67    """PyPet Battle Game"""
68    print("Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
70    fighters = lotto()
71    intro(fighters)
72    winner = fight(fighters)
73    endgame(winner)

By now you should have a pretty good idea of how the script will end up working and what each part will do.

Even though you won’t expect to see any changes in output go ahead and run your script anyway to make sure there are no errors.

Part 3. pets module#

One of the handy things about code is that it is reusable. So we’re going to make a pets module that we could reuse in future projects.

Part 3.1: Create a file#

Make a new file named Add a docstring then copy the following PICS dictionary into it.

Listing 359
 1"""Pets Data"""
 3# a hash of pet pics
 4# species: pic
 5PICS = {
 6    'dragon': "/|\\{O_O}/|\\",
 7    'cat': "=^..^=",
 8    'fish': "<`)))><",
 9    'owl': "{O,o}",
10    'snake': "_/\\__/\\_/--{ :>~",
11    'bat': "/|\\^..^/|\\",
12    'monkey': "@('_')@",
13    'pig': "^(*(oo)*)^",
14    'mouse': "<:3 )~~~",
15    'bird': ",(u°)>",
16    'cthulhu': "^(;,;)^",
17    'fox': "-^^,--,~",

Part 3.2: Add your pets list#

A. Review#

By now you know how to add simple strings or integers to lists:

Listing 360
14CAVES = ["right", "left"]

In the pypet project, you also learned how to add dictionary items to a list using variables.

Listing 361
12cat = {
13  "name": "Fluffy",
14  "hungry": True,
15  "weight": 9.5,
16  "age": 5,
17  "pic": "(=^o.o^=)_",
20mouse = {
21    "name": "Mouse",
22    "age": 6,
23    "weight": 1.5,
24    "hungry": False,
25    "pic": "<:3 )~~~~",
28pets = [cat, mouse]

In the next section we’ll learn how to make a nested list of literal dictionaries.

B. Nested lists#

We could add our list of pets the same way we did in the pypet game.

Listing 362 example#
1FLUFO = {"name": "Flufo"}
2SCALEY = {"name": "Scaley"}

You can also embed dictionaries in a list without using variables by putting the dictionary where you would have put the variable otherwise.

Listing 363 example#
1PETS = [{"name": "Flufo"}, {"name": "Scaley"}]

When you’re dealing with a nested list or dictionary it’s a good idea to split up the list items so that each dictionary item is on a line of its own. This makes it a lot easier to read.

Listing 364 example#
1PETS = [
2  {"name": "Flufo"},
3  {"name": "Scaley"}

In all three of the above examples the PETS list is exactly the same.

You can access an element of a nested list the way you normally would with the syntax variable[index].

Listing 365 example#
5pet = PETS[3]
6print(pet['name'], "says hello!")

You can access also access nested dictionary values from a list by adding the [] reference straight to the end of the previous [] with the syntax variable[index][key].

Listing 366 example#
5print(PETS[3]['name'], "says hello!")

C. In

Use what you just learned to add pet dictionaries to a list named PETS in Each dictionary should have the keys name and species.

Listing 367
20PETS = [
21    {'name': "Flufosourus", 'species': "cat"},
22    {'name': "Scaley", 'species': "fish"},
23    {'name': "Count Chocula", 'species': "bat"},
24    {'name': "Curious George", 'species': "monkey"},

Part 3.3: Import your module#

In order to use PICS and PETS in your battle game you’ll need to import them.

A. Partial imports#

By now you know how to import a whole module at once using the import statement. And you know that to access the things in that module you use the syntax module.object.

Listing 368 example#
1import random
3number = random.randint(0, 100)

You can also import objects one at a time from a module with the syntax:

from <module> import <object>

This allows you to only import part of a module, and also imports it into the global namespace. That means that when we refer to the imported functions (or in this case, variables) we don’t need to use the module name.

Listing 369 example#
1from random import randint
3number = randint(0, 100)

B. At the top of

Now import PICS and PETS in the # Imports section at the top of

Listing 370 imports#
29# ### Imports ################################################################
31from pets import PICS, PETS

Part 4. Fill in the lotto() function#

Now let’s start making the our functions actually do things, starting with the lotto() function.

Part 4.1: Import the random module#

We’ll need the random module in the lotto() function.

At the end of our Imports section add a line to import it.

Listing 371 imports#
29# ### Imports ################################################################
31from pets import PICS, PETS
32import random

Part 4.2: Write the lotto() function#

Then we’ll fill in the lotto() function.

First we’ll use a new function random.shuffle to randomly reorder the contents of the PETS list. Then we’ll return a new list that contains the first two elements of PETS.

The new lotto() function should look like this.

Listing 372 lotto()#
42def lotto():
43    """Return two randomly chosen PETs"""
44    # randomly reorder the PETS list
45    random.shuffle(PETS)
47    # return the first two items in the PETS list
48    return [PETS[0], PETS[1]]

Run your script to make sure it works.

Part 5. Fill in the intro() function#

Here’s a preview of what our new intro() function will look like when we’re done.

Listing 373 intro()#
58def intro(fighters):
59    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""
61    print("\n  Tonight...\n")
62    time.sleep(DELAY)
64    # announce the fighters
65    header = f"*** {fighters[0]['name']} -vs- {fighters[1]['name']} ***"
66    print(, " "), "\n\n")
68    # pause for input
69    input("ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!")
70    print("." * WIDTH, "\n")

Part 5.1: Import time#

We’ll use the time module to add some suspense to our announcement. At the end of the # Imports section add:

Listing 374 imports#
29# ### Imports ################################################################
31from pets import PICS, PETS
32import random
33import time

Part 5.2: Add DELAY and WIDTH#

Then we’ll need DELAY and WIDTH global variables. Add these to the end of the # Global Variables section.

Listing 375 global variables#
35# ## Global Variables ########################################################
37# the number of seconds to pause for dramatic effect
38DELAY = 1
40# the max width of the screen
41WIDTH = 55

Part 5.3: Print “Tonight…” then sleep#

The first part of the intro() function prints out the word “Tonight…” then calls the time.sleep() function.

Add this to the end of the intro() function.

Listing 376 intro()#
def intro(fighters):
    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""

    print("\n  Tonight...\n")

Part 5.4: Announce the fighters using f-strings#

A. f-strings#

We’ve learned how to concatenate strings using the + operator.

Listing 377 example#
greeting = "Good " + time_of_day + " to you."

Now we are going to learn about string interpolation which means to embed code in a string. In Python, this is done with a special syntax called f-strings.

The string starts with the letter f immediately before the string. A single quote or double quote as usual starts and ends the string. And here’s the fancy part: any code you want to embed (usually a variable name) is put inside of curly braces.

The same string from above could be written as:

Listing 378 example#
1greeting = f"Good {time_of_day} to you."

B. In intro()#

Let’s use this new syntax to make a variable called header that will contain the names of the fighters.

At the end of the intro() add the following

Listing 379 intro()#
58def intro(fighters):
59    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""
61    print("\n  Tonight...\n")
62    time.sleep(DELAY)
64    # announce the fighters
65    header = f"*** {fighters[0]['name']} -vs- {fighters[1]['name']} ***"

There’s a lot going on in that f-string, so let’s go through it in detail.

  • f" starts the f-string

  • *** is a literal string

  • { starts the code

  • fighters[0] gets the first element of the fighters list

  • ['name'] gets the name value from that pet’s dictionary

  • -vs - is a literal string

  • { starts the code

  • fighters[1] gets the second element of the fighters list

  • ['name'] gets the name value from that pet’s dictionary

  • *** is a literal string

  • " ends the f-string

So of our fighters list contained:

Listing 380 example: fighters list#
fighters = [
  { 'name': "Curious George" },
  { 'name': "Ol' Yeller" },

Then the value of the header variable would be:

Listing 381 example: value of header variable#
*** Ol' Yeller -vs- Curious George ***

Part 5.5: Print the announcement using

Python has a handy function on str objects for centering text. It takes a width argument, for the total length of the resulting string. We’ll use the WIDTH variable defined earlier.

Finally, we’ll add two newlines (\n) to the end of the print statement.

At the end of the intro() function add the following:

Listing 382 intro()#
58def intro(fighters):
59    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""
61    print("\n  Tonight...\n")
62    time.sleep(DELAY)
64    # announce the fighters
65    header = f"*** {fighters[0]['name']} -vs- {fighters[1]['name']} ***"
66    print(, " "), "\n\n")

Part 5.6: Pause for input#

Let’s give the player a chance to do something before the game continues. We won’t actually do anything with the player feedback in this game. We just want to give the player something to do.

We’ll call the input() function with a prompt.

At the end of the intro() function add:

Listing 383 intro()#
58def intro(fighters):
59    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""
61    print("\n  Tonight...\n")
62    time.sleep(DELAY)
64    # announce the fighters
65    header = f"*** {fighters[0]['name']} -vs- {fighters[1]['name']} ***"
66    print(, " "), "\n\n")
68    # pause for input
69    input("ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!")

Part 5.7: Draw a line#

Python has a neat way to repeat a string, with the * operator. We’ll use this handy trick to easily draw a line of a particular size. In this case, we’ll make the line out of dots (.) just to mix it up. Then we’ll add an extra newline (\n) at the end of the print statement.

At the end of the intro() function under line 64 add:

Listing 384 intro()#
58def intro(fighters):
59    """Takes a list of two PETs (fighters) and prints their details"""
61    print("\n  Tonight...\n")
62    time.sleep(DELAY)
64    # announce the fighters
65    header = f"*** {fighters[0]['name']} -vs- {fighters[1]['name']} ***"
66    print(, " "), "\n\n")
68    # pause for input
69    input("ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!")
70    print("." * WIDTH, "\n")

Run your script and see what you’ve got!

Part 6. Outline the fight() function#

The fight() function has a lot to do, so we’ll start by writing a bit of an outline for it.

Here’s a preview of what those functions will look like when we’re done.

Listing 385 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:
83        # check for a loser (placeholder)
84        winner = random.choice(fighters)
86        # print a line at the end of every round
87        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
89    #
90    # ### end of fighting rounds
92    # return the winner
93    return winner

Part 6.1: The None type#

A. Null values#

Python has a special type called None, which is what is known in programming as a null value.

Sometimes we need to know the difference between a value set to nothing, and when it is set to zero or an empty string.

Imagine we had a program that would print out how many apples the user had. If the program didn’t know how many apples, it would ask them.

We would need to be able to tell if the user had told us that they had zero apples, or if the user hadn’t yet told us how many they have. That’s where None comes in.

Here is a handy picture to help clarify.

Null Visualization

B. In fight()#

Start your fight() function by setting the variable winner to None.

Listing 386 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None

Part 6.2: Keep going until there’s a winner#

We’re going to write a while loop to keep fighting until there’s a winner. We’ll use the None type to tell that there is still no winner.

A. while loops#

A while loop is a conditional statement. That means that, like an if statement it uses a condition to decide what to do with the block of code that belongs to it.

But where an if statement will only execute its code block if the condition is met, a while loop will keep repeating its code block for as long as the condition is met.

Listing 387 example: if statement#
1i = random.randint(0, 100)
3if i < 50:
4  print(f"You have: {i}")
Listing 388 example: while loop#
1i = 0
3while i < 50:
4  i = i + 1
5  print(f"You have: {i}")

In this if statement i would be printed once, and only if it happened to be less than 50.

In this while loop i would be printed over and over again until it reaches 50.

B. In fight()#

We’re going to use a while loop to keep going for as long as the value of winner is None.

Add to your fight() function:

Listing 389 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:

Part 6.3: Add a placeholder winner#

Just so we can test our script without looping forever, we’ll put a placeholder in the loop that randomly selects a winner from our list of fighters. (This means that the loop will only run once for now.)

We’ll use the random.choice() function, which randomly selects an element from a list.

In fight()#

Add to your fight() function inside the while loop:

Listing 390 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:
83        # check for a loser (placeholder)
84        winner = random.choice(fighters)

Part 6.4: Print a round-end line#

So we can see that when a round happens, we’ll add a line at the end of every loop.

In fight()#

Add to your fight() function inside the while loop:

Listing 391 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:
83        # check for a loser (placeholder)
84        winner = random.choice(fighters)
86        # print a line at the end of every round
87        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")

Part 6.5: return the winner#

A. In fight(), around the while loop#

Add comments at the beginning and end of the while loop so we can tell where the code is that executes each round.

Listing 392 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:
83        # check for a loser (placeholder)
84        winner = random.choice(fighters)
86        # print a line at the end of every round
87        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
89    #
90    # ### end of fighting rounds

B. In fight(), after the while loop#

Now change the last line of your function to return winner instead of an empty dictionary.

Listing 393 fight()#
73def fight(fighters):
74    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
75       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
77    winner = None
79    # ### rounds of the fight
80    #
81    while winner is None:
83        # check for a loser (placeholder)
84        winner = random.choice(fighters)
86        # print a line at the end of every round
87        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
89    #
90    # ### end of fighting rounds
92    # return the winner
93    return winner

Notice that the return statement is outside of the while loop. That is because we want to make sure that all the rounds are finished before exiting the function.

Part 7. Print the fighter health#

In this section we will print out the fighters health for each round. Here’s what the game output will look like when we’re done:

Listing 394 output#
Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


       *** Count Chocula -vs- Curious George ***


Count Chocula /|\^..^/|\                      100 of 100
Curious George @('_')@                        100 of 100

We’ll make changes to the fight() and main() functions and add show() and setup() functions.

Here’s a preview of what those functions will look like when we’re done.

Listing 395 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    winner = None
 99    # ### rounds of the fight
100    #
101    while winner is None:
103        # check for a loser (placeholder)
104        winner = random.choice(fighters)
106        # print updated fighter health
107        print()
108        for combatant in fighters:
109            show(combatant)
111        # print a line at the end of every round
112        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
114    #
115    # ### end of fighting rounds
117    # return the winner
118    return winner
Listing 396 main()#
128def main():
129    """PyPet Battle Game"""
130    print("\nWelcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
132    fighters = lotto()
133    setup(fighters)
135    intro(fighters)
136    winner = fight(fighters)
137    endgame(winner)
Listing 397 setup()#
51def setup(pets):
52    """Takes a list of pets and sets initial attributes"""
53    for pet in pets:
54        pet['health'] = MAX_HEALTH
55        pet['pic'] = PICS[pet['species']]
Listing 398 show()#
58def show(pet):
59    """Takes a pet and prints health and details about them"""
60    name_display = f"{pet['name']} {pet['pic']}"
61    health_display = f"{pet['health']} of {MAX_HEALTH}"
62    rcol_width = WIDTH - len(name_display) - 1
63    print(name_display, health_display.rjust(rcol_width))

Part 7.1: Print each fighter’s info#

Let’s make a function that will eventually print out the health for a pet and call it show().

Part 7.1: Add show()#

A. Add # pet functions header#

At the top of the Functions section let’s add a new comment section for # pet functions.

Listing 399 comment headers#
45# ## Functions ###############################################################
47# ### pet functions ###

B. Add show()#

Under your new header add a show() function that takes one argument pet.

Listing 400 comment headers#
58def show(pet):
59    """Takes a pet and prints health and details about them"""

Part 7.2: Print info each round#

You already know that what goes on inside the while loop in fight() represents what happens each round of a fight.

We’ll want to print out the health for each fighter, and have it happen at the end of every round.

To do this we’ll use a for loop and in it we’ll call the show() function.

In fight(), inside the while loop#

In the fight() function, inside the for loop and just above where you print a line:

  1. Call the print() function with no arguments to print a blank line

  2. Write a for loop that iterates over the fighters and uses the variable combatant

  3. Inside the for loop, call the show() function with the argument combatant

Listing 401 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    winner = None
 99    # ### rounds of the fight
100    #
101    while winner is None:
103        # check for a loser (placeholder)
104        winner = random.choice(fighters)
106        # print updated fighter health
107        print()
108        for combatant in fighters:
109            show(combatant)
111        # print a line at the end of every round
112        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
114    #
115    # ### end of fighting rounds
117    # return the winner
118    return winner

Part 7.3: MAX_HEALTH#

Add a MAX_HEALTH variable at the end of the Global Variables section add to keep track of the maximum health.

Listing 402 global variables#
35# ## Global Variables ########################################################
37# the number of seconds to pause for dramatic effect
38DELAY = 1
40# the max width of the screen
41WIDTH = 56
43MAX_HEALTH = 100

Part 7.4: Setup setup()#

To print the fighter info, we’ll need pets health and pic. To do this we’ll add a new function called setup() then call it from main().

A. Add setup()#

Under the # pet functions header add a setup() function.

Listing 403 setup()#
51def setup(pets):
52    """Takes a list of pets and sets initial attributes"""

B. In main()#

Now we’ll call it from inside main() and pass it the argument fighters. This should go just after the line where fighters is assigned.

Listing 404 main()#
128def main():
129    """PyPet Battle Game"""
130    print("\nWelcome to the THUNDERDOME!")
132    fighters = lotto()
133    setup(fighters)
135    intro(fighters)
136    winner = fight(fighters)
137    endgame(winner)

Part 7.5: Initialize fighter info#

In the setup() function, use a for loop to assign the 'health' and 'pic' keys in each dictionary in the fighters list.

A. Set pet health#

For each pet, we’ll set the health to MAX_HEALTH.

  1. Use a for loop to iterate over pets with the variable pet

  2. Assign pet['health'] to MAX_HEALTH

Listing 405 setup()#
51def setup(pets):
52    """Takes a list of pets and sets initial attributes"""
53    for pet in pets:
54        pet['health'] = MAX_HEALTH

B. Getting the pic#

We’ll need to get the picture for each pet. In order to do that we’ll use the pet['species'] as the key to the PICS dictionary.

One way to do that is to assign the value of pet['species'] to a variable species which we can then use as the key to PICS.

Listing 406 example#
1species = pet['species']

You can avoid setting a temporary variable by putting pet['species'] where you would have put the variable.

Listing 407 example#

These both have the same effect, so it’s up to you which you prefer.

C. In setup(), inside the for loop#

Use the syntax that you just learned to get the pet pic from the PICS dictionary using the pet['species'] key. Assign it to pet['pic'].

Listing 408 setup()#
51def setup(pets):
52    """Takes a list of pets and sets initial attributes"""
53    for pet in pets:
54        pet['health'] = MAX_HEALTH
55        pet['pic'] = PICS[pet['species']]

Part 7.6: Fill in the show() function#

Now that each pet in the fighters list has all of the information we need we can fill in the show() function to actually print the name, pic and health.

In show()#

  1. Assign a name_display variable to the string name pic

  2. Assign a health_display variable to "x of y" health, where x the pet["health"] and y is MAX_HEALTH

  3. Print both variables

Listing 409 show()#
58def show(pet):
59    """Takes a pet and prints health and details about them"""
60    name_display = f"{pet['name']} {pet['pic']}"
61    health_display = f"{pet['health']} of {MAX_HEALTH}"
62    print(name_display, health_display)

When you run your program your output should look something like this:

Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


       *** Curious George -vs- Count Chocula ***


Curious George @('_')@ 100 of 100
Count Chocula /|\^..^/|\ 100 of 100

Part 7.7: Make columns with str.rjust()#

Now let’s get a little fancy let’s and right-align the health display.

A. Right aligning#

To right align text we can use the built in .rjust() method on str objects. It works just like like and takes a width variable.

Here’s an example that prints a list of numbers and uses .rjust() to right align them to a width of 30.

Listing 410 example#
for i in range(0, 5):
  i = str(i)
Listing 411 output#

B. In show()#

But wait, in this case we want to print part of the line left aligned, and part of it right aligned. How do we manage that?

To accomplish this, we’ll need to figure out how long the left-aligned part of the string is and use that to adjust the width passed to .rjust().

  1. Subtract the length of name_display from WIDTH

  2. Subtract 1 more to account for the space that print() adds

  3. Assign the result to a variable rcol_width

  4. Inside of print() call the .rjust() method on health_display with the argument rcol_width

Listing 412 show()#
58def show(pet):
59    """Takes a pet and prints health and details about them"""
60    name_display = f"{pet['name']} {pet['pic']}"
61    health_display = f"{pet['health']} of {MAX_HEALTH}"
62    rcol_width = WIDTH - len(name_display) - 1
63    print(name_display, health_display.rjust(rcol_width))

Now when you run your script it should look something like this:

Listing 413 output#
Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


        *** Flufosourus -vs- Curious George ***


Flufosourus =^..^=                            100 of 100
Curious George @('_')@                        100 of 100

Part 8. Choose who attacks#

Continuing with the fight() function, we need switch back and forth between the two fighters for who attacks each round.

Here’s a preview of the updated fight() function:

Listing 414 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    # winning fighter
 98    winner = None
100    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
101    current = 0
103    # ### rounds of the fight
104    #
105    while winner is None:
106        # pick whose turn it is
107        attacker = fighters[current]
108        rival = fighters[not current]   # noqa
110        # pause for input
111        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
113        # check for a loser (placeholder)
114        winner = random.choice(fighters)
116        # print updated fighter health
117        print()
118        for combatant in fighters:
119            show(combatant)
121        # print a line at the end of every round
122        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
124        # flip current to the other fighter for the next round
125        current = not current
127    #
128    # ### end of fighting rounds
130    # return the winner
131    return winner

Part 8.1: Set a current variable#

We’re going to use a variable current to keep track whose turn it is according to their index number the fighters list.

Remember, lists have index numbers that start at 0 and can be accessed like this: mylist[0].

In fight(), before the while loop#

Add the current variable to the top of the fight() function, before the while loop and set it to 0.

Listing 415 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    # winning fighter
 98    winner = None
100    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
101    current = 0

Part 8.2: Pick the attacker#

A. Toggling with not#

We’ve used the not operator in if statements before. For example:

if not False:
    print("double negatives ftw!")
double negatives ftw!

not is really shorthand for False ==.

That means another way to write the above is:

if False == False:
    print("double negatives ftw!")
double negatives ftw!

When we use a comparison operator like not or == it is part of an expression that evaluates to a bool value.

That means we can use a standalone condition to get either True or False.

True == True
False == True

That means that if you want to get the opposite of a bool value, just put not in front of it.

not True
not False

We can use this trick to alternate back and forth between True and False in a loop.

alternating = True
for i in range(0, 5):
    alternating = not alternating

We’ll use this trick to alternate whose turn it is in the fight() function.

B. bool and int#

Under the hood a bool is just a special kind of int that has a name in Python.

Specifically, False is 0 and True is 1.

False == 0
True == 1

You use True and False as an int in ways that might surprise you.

True + True + True

One example is that you can use True and False as index numbers in a list.

options = ["No", "Yes"]

That means that we can use the bool result of not current to pick a pet from the fighters list.

C. In fight(), at the beginning of the while loop#

We’ll need to pick whose turn it is at the beginning of each round. That means this code needs to be the first lines inside the while loop.

  1. Assign the fighters[current] to the variable attacker

  2. Assign the fighters[not current] to the variable rival

Listing 416 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    # winning fighter
 98    winner = None
100    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
101    current = 0
103    # ### rounds of the fight
104    #
105    while winner is None:
106        # pick whose turn it is
107        attacker = fighters[current]
108        rival = fighters[not current]   # noqa

Part 8.3: Switch fighter’s turn#

We’ll use the not trick again at the end of the while loop to switch back and forth between the two fighters.

In fight(), at the end of the while loop#

In the fight() function at the end of the while loop, set current to be the opposite of itself.

Listing 417 fight()#
113        # check for a loser (placeholder)
114        winner = random.choice(fighters)
116        # print updated fighter health
117        print()
118        for combatant in fighters:
119            show(combatant)
121        # print a line at the end of every round
122        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
124        # flip current to the other fighter for the next round
125        current = not current
127    #
128    # ### end of fighting rounds
130    # return the winner
131    return winner

Part 8.4: Print the attacker#

Finally we want to print out the attacker for each round. We prompt for input again, but once again this is just to give the player a chance to do something–we don’t do anything with the input.

In fight(), inside the while loop#

In the fight() function just after the line where rival is assigned add the following.

Listing 418 fight()#
 93def fight(fighters):
 94    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
 95       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
 97    # winning fighter
 98    winner = None
100    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
101    current = 0
103    # ### rounds of the fight
104    #
105    while winner is None:
106        # pick whose turn it is
107        attacker = fighters[current]
108        rival = fighters[not current]   # noqa
110        # pause for input
111        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")

When you run your script your output should see a new line prompting the first pet to fight.

Listing 419 output#
Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


         *** Flufosourus -vs- Count Chocula ***


Flufosourus FIGHT>

Flufosourus =^..^=                            100 of 100
Count Chocula /|\^..^/|\                      100 of 100

Part 9. Attack#

In this section we’ll be adding the attack() function and making changes to the fight() function.

Listing 420 attack()#
69def attack(foe):
70    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
71       damage and attack used"""
72    return 10, "smacks upside the head"
Listing 421 fight()#
102def fight(fighters):
103    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
104       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
106    # winning fighter
107    winner = None
109    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
110    current = 0
112    # ### rounds of the fight
113    #
114    while winner is None:
115        # pick whose turn it is
116        attacker = fighters[current]
117        rival = fighters[not current]
119        # pause for input
120        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
122        # the attack
123        damage, act = attack(rival)
125        # pause for effect, then print attack details
126        time.sleep(DELAY)
127        print(f"\n  {attacker['name']} {act} {rival['name']}...\n")
129        # pause for effect, then print damage
130        time.sleep(DELAY)
131        print(f"-{damage} {rival['name']}".center(WIDTH), "\n")
133        # one more pause before the round ends
134        time.sleep(DELAY)
136        # check for a loser (placeholder)
137        winner = random.choice(fighters)
139        # print updated fighter health
140        print()
141        for combatant in fighters:
142            show(combatant)
144        # print a line at the end of every round
145        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
147        # flip current to the other fighter for the next round
148        current = not current
150    #
151    # ### end of fighting rounds
153    # return the winner
154    return winner

Part 9.1: Add attack()#

We’ll need a function that picks what kind of attack to do, calculates damage the damage and modifies the health of the rival.

We’re going to call this the attack() function, which will take one argument, the foe.

A. Add # game event functions#

In the # Functions section after show() and setup() add a new subsection for # game event functions.

Listing 422 # Functions#
46# ## Functions ###############################################################
48# ### pet functions ###
51def setup(pets):
52    """Takes a list of pets and sets initial attributes"""
53    for pet in pets:
54        pet['health'] = MAX_HEALTH
55        pet['pic'] = PICS[pet['species']]
58def show(pet):
59    """Takes a pet and prints health and details about them"""
60    name_display = f"{pet['name']} {pet['pic']}"
61    health_display = f"{pet['health']} of {MAX_HEALTH}"
62    rcol_width = WIDTH - len(name_display) - 1
63    print(name_display, health_display.rjust(rcol_width))
66# ### game event functions ###

B. Multiple returning and assigning#

Python functions can return nothing, a single value, or more than one values. In this case, we’re returning both the damage amount, and the attack description.

The syntax when returning multiple values is:

return <val1>, <val2>

For example

def gimme():
  return (1, 2)

The syntax when assigning the results is:

<var1>, <var2> = fun()

For example:

a, b = gimme()

We’ll use this syntax in the new attack() function to return both the damage value and a description of the attack.

C. Add attack()#

Under # game event functions add an attack() function with one argument foe.

It should return a tuple containing two values:

  • an int for the damage

  • a str for the description

For now just have it return hardcoded values.

Listing 423 attack()#
69def attack(foe):
70    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
71       damage and attack used"""
72    return 10, "smacks upside the head"

Part 9.2: attack() in fight()#

Now in each round of the fight the rival should be attacked using the attack() function.

In fight()#

After pausing for input call the attack() function with the argument rival. Using multiple assignment, assign the results to damage and act.

Listing 424 fight()#
102def fight(fighters):
103    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
104       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
106    # winning fighter
107    winner = None
109    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
110    current = 0
112    # ### rounds of the fight
113    #
114    while winner is None:
115        # pick whose turn it is
116        attacker = fighters[current]
117        rival = fighters[not current]
119        # pause for input
120        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
122        # the attack
123        damage, act = attack(rival)

Part 9.3: Print attack details#

Now we just need to print out all of the details of the attack. We’ll use the time.sleep() function to add pauses between output for effect.

We’ll want to print who attacked who and how, as well as the damage that was done.

In fight()#

In the fight() function after the attack() line:

  1. Call time.sleep() with the argument DELAY

  2. Print the attackers name, the act and the rivals name, followed by “…”

  3. Call time.sleep() with the argument DELAY

  4. Print the damage as a negative number, followed by the rivals name. Center this whole string using WIDTH

  5. Call time.sleep() with the argument DELAY

Listing 425 fight()#
114    while winner is None:
115        # pick whose turn it is
116        attacker = fighters[current]
117        rival = fighters[not current]
119        # pause for input
120        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
122        # the attack
123        damage, act = attack(rival)
125        # pause for effect, then print attack details
126        time.sleep(DELAY)
127        print(f"\n  {attacker['name']} {act} {rival['name']}...\n")
129        # pause for effect, then print damage
130        time.sleep(DELAY)
131        print(f"-{damage} {rival['name']}".center(WIDTH), "\n")
133        # one more pause before the round ends
134        time.sleep(DELAY)
136        # check for a loser (placeholder)
137        winner = random.choice(fighters)
139        # print updated fighter health
140        print()
141        for combatant in fighters:
142            show(combatant)
144        # print a line at the end of every round
145        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
147        # flip current to the other fighter for the next round
148        current = not current

When you run your game you should see what happened in the round.

Listing 426 output#
Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


           *** Scaley -vs- Curious George ***


Scaley FIGHT>

  Scaley smacks upside the head Curious George...

                   -10 Curious George

Scaley <`)))><                                100 of 100
Curious George @('_')@                        100 of 100

Part 10. Attack, For Realsies#

In this section we’ll make the attack actually do something.

We’ll be adding global variables POWER and FIGHTIN_WORDS and filling in the attack() function.

Here’s what the code will look like when we’re done.

Listing 427 global variables#
35# ## Global Variables ########################################################
37# the range of damage each player can do
39#   this is a data type called a tuple
40#   it is just like a list, except it is
41#   immutable, meaning it cannot be changed
43POWER = (10, 30)
45# the number of seconds to pause for dramatic effect
46DELAY = 1
48# the max width of the screen
49WIDTH = 56
51MAX_HEALTH = 100
53# a list of attacks
55    "nips at",
56    "takes a swipe at",
57    "glares sternly at",
58    "ferociously smacks",
59    "savagely boofs",
60    "is awfully mean to",
61    "can't even believe",
62    "throws mad shade at",
Listing 428 attack()#
 89def attack(foe):
 90    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
 91       damage and attack used"""
 92    # choose an attack
 93    act = random.choice(FIGHTIN_WORDS)
 95    # randomly set damage
 96    damage = random.randint(POWER[0], POWER[1])
 98    # inflict damage
 99    foe['health'] -= damage
101    # return the amount of damage attack and description
102    return damage, act

Part 10.1: The tuple type#

We’ve learned about lists and dictionaries already. These are both collections or container types. That means that they contain some number of children elements.

The tuple is another container type. It is very similar to a list, except that it is immutable meaning that once it is defined it cannot be changed. This is handy for global variables where only intend to read the data in the script and never to modify it. They’re also faster and consume less memory.

Tuples are defined using parenthesis ( ).

CAVES = ("right", "left", "middle")

Elements are accessed with index numbers (just like lists).


Tuples are immutable, so you can’t change them later.

CAVES[0] = "east"
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[16], line 1
----> 1 CAVES[0] = "east"

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

To review Python container types:






groceries = ["eggs", "milk", "shampoo"]


ordered, mutable


menu = ("prev", "next", "quit")


ordered, immutable


favs = {'color': "purple", 'season': "fall"}


unordered, mutable


used = {'red', 'red', 'green', 'blue' }

'red' in used

unordered, mutable, unique

Part 10.2: Them’s Fightin’ Words#

Let’s make a list of attacks using the tuple type we just learned about. At the end of the global variables section add the following. Feel free to change these or get creative and add your own.

Listing 429 global variables#
53# a list of attacks
55    "nips at",
56    "takes a swipe at",
57    "glares sternly at",
58    "ferociously smacks",
59    "savagely boofs",
60    "is awfully mean to",
61    "can't even believe",
62    "throws mad shade at",

Part 10.3: Pick an attack#

Now that we have some attacks to choose from, let’s edit our attack() function to pick one.

In attack()#

  1. Use the random.choice() function to pick from the new FIGHTING_WORDS list and assign it to the variable act

  2. In the return statement replace your hardcoded attack string with the act variable

Listing 430 attack()#
89def attack(foe):
90    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
91       damage and attack used"""
92    # choose an attack
93    act = random.choice(FIGHTIN_WORDS)
95    return 10, act

Part 10.4: What’s your damage#

Now we need to figure out how much damage the attack will do. First we’ll add a global variable POWER to set the possible damage range for each attack.

A. In global variables#

Listing 431 global variables#
35# ## Global Variables ########################################################
37# the range of damage each player can do
39#   this is a data type called a tuple
40#   it is just like a list, except it is
41#   immutable, meaning it cannot be changed
43POWER = (10, 30)

B. In attack()#

Now we can use the good old randint function to randomly select a value in that range.

  1. Call random.randint and pass it the two values in the POWER tuple as arguments. Assign the result to the variable damage

Listing 432 attack()#
89def attack(foe):
90    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
91       damage and attack used"""
92    # choose an attack
93    act = random.choice(FIGHTIN_WORDS)
95    # randomly set damage
96    damage = random.randint(POWER[0], POWER[1])

C. Shortcut operators#

In this section we’ll learn about some operators to do math and assign at the same time.

In programming you often want to do some math on a value, then assign the result back to the original variable. For example:

x = 1
x = x + 1

A quicker way to do this is to use the += operator.

x = 1
x += 1

The same thing comes up with subtracting a value from itself.

x = 1
x = x - 1

The shorthand operator for subtract and assign is -=.

x = 1
x -= 1

Let’s use this operator to reduce the health of foe.

D. In attack()#

Now that we have the damage value set, we can finally inflict it upon our the foe.

  1. Use the -= operator to subtract damage from foe['health']

  2. In the return statement replace your hardcoded damage int with the damage variable

Listing 433 attack()#
 89def attack(foe):
 90    """Inflict a random amount of damage is inflicted on foe, then return the
 91       damage and attack used"""
 92    # choose an attack
 93    act = random.choice(FIGHTIN_WORDS)
 95    # randomly set damage
 96    damage = random.randint(POWER[0], POWER[1])
 98    # inflict damage
 99    foe['health'] -= damage
101    # return the amount of damage attack and description
102    return damage, act

Now when you run your game you should see a randomized value of damage done, and that number will actually effect one of the fighters health.

Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!


           *** Scaley -vs- Count Chocula ***


Scaley FIGHT>

  Scaley throws mad shade at Count Chocula...

                   -27 Count Chocula

Scaley <`)))><                                100 of 100
Count Chocula /|\^..^/|\                       73 of 100

Part 11. Find The Winner#

In this section we’re going to finish the fight() function by picking the winner.

Here’s how the function will look at the end:

Listing 434 fight()#
132def fight(fighters):
133    """Repeat rounds of the fight until one wins then
134       Take a list of two PETs and return the winning PET"""
136    # winning fighter
137    winner = None
139    # the index in the fighters list of the attacker in each round
140    current = 0
142    # ### rounds of the fight
143    #
144    while winner is None:
145        # pick whose turn it is
146        attacker = fighters[current]
147        rival = fighters[not current]
149        # pause for input
150        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
152        # the attack
153        damage, act = attack(rival)
155        # pause for effect, then print attack details
156        time.sleep(DELAY)
157        print(f"\n  {attacker['name']} {act} {rival['name']}...\n")
159        # pause for effect, then print damage
160        time.sleep(DELAY)
161        print(f"-{damage} {rival['name']}".center(WIDTH), "\n")
163        # one more pause before the round ends
164        time.sleep(DELAY)
166        # check for a loser
167        if rival['health'] <= 0:
168            # don't let health drop below zero
169            rival['health'] = 0
170            # set the winner, this is now the last round
171            winner = attacker
173        # print updated fighter health
174        print()
175        for combatant in fighters:
176            show(combatant)
178        # print a line at the end of every round
179        print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")
181        # flip current to the other fighter for the next round
182        current = not current
184    #
185    # ### end of fighting rounds
187    # return the winner
188    return winner

Part 11.1: Check rival health#

Instead of randomly choosing a winner, in this section we’ll pick a real one.

Fist, we want to check if the health of the rival who was just attacked has reached zero. If it has, then we know that the winner is the other guy (the attacker).

Also, we don’t want health be a negative number so we’ll use the <= operator, which means “less than or equal to”. Then to account for when it is a negative number, we’ll set it to zero within the body of the if statement.

In fight(), inside the while loop#

In the fight() function, find the winner = random.choice() line just above where we print the updated fighter health. Remove that line and in its place add the following.

  1. Use an if statement to check if the rival['health'] is less than or equal to 0

  2. If so

    • Set the rival['health'] to 0

    • Assign the variable winner to attacker

Listing 435 fight()#
144    while winner is None:
145        # pick whose turn it is
146        attacker = fighters[current]
147        rival = fighters[not current]
149        # pause for input
150        input(f"\n{attacker['name']} FIGHT>")
152        # the attack
153        damage, act = attack(rival)
155        # pause for effect, then print attack details
156        time.sleep(DELAY)
157        print(f"\n  {attacker['name']} {act} {rival['name']}...\n")
159        # pause for effect, then print damage
160        time.sleep(DELAY)
161        print(f"-{damage} {rival['name']}".center(WIDTH), "\n")
163        # one more pause before the round ends
164        time.sleep(DELAY)
166        # check for a loser
167        if rival['health'] <= 0:
168            # don't let health drop below zero
169            rival['health'] = 0
170            # set the winner, this is now the last round
171            winner = attacker

Part 12. Endgame#

Now that we have a winner, we can tell ‘em they won!

Use some of the concepts you’ve learned to print a nice message congratulating the winner. Try doing it on your own before looking at the code.

  1. Use an f-string to print the name of the winner

  2. Use the .center() method to center the method

  3. Draw one or more lines by using the * operator to repeat a string

Listing 436 endgame()#
191def endgame(winner):
192    """Takes a PET (winner) and announce that they won the fight"""
193    print()
194    print(f"{winner['name']} is Victorious!".center(WIDTH), "\n")
195    print(winner['pic'].center(WIDTH), "\n")
196    print("-" * WIDTH, "\n")

When you play your game, your fighters will go several rounds before a winner emerges. Your game should end with a nice looking victory message that looks something like this.

Feel free to get creative!

Listing 437 output#

                 Scaley is Victorious!

